Multibrand For WHMCS is a revolutionary module that will allow you to handle multiple businesses on multiple websites while using just a single WHMCS license! With it, your audience will be welcome to access personalized client areas, each with a different logo, templates and plenty more elements of a brand they ordered from.
After you assign your clients to each of your brands, either automatically or manually, you will be allowed to migrate them between the brands whenever required. The module will also enable you to regulate the pricing of products, addons and domains, as well as define product bundles and promotions – all details are manageable for every set up brand separately. In addition, you will be invited to adjust the invoices, quotes, and available currencies, together with configuration of such famous payment gateways as PayPal, 2Checkout and Stripe. Even ticket departments and ticket piping emails, announcements, knowledgebase articles and downloads can be designed per brand to further individualize the customer experience. Just as importantly, each brand can have assigned its own SMTP mailbox and email templates in as many languages as you need. Due to the wide range of branding capabilities, the module will keep dynamic statistics to let you easily trace any single action performed under managed businesses. As a major bonus, you can combine it with SMS Center For WHMCS to reach out to the clients of each brand via personalized text messages. The final opportunity worth mentioning lies in the secured compatibility between the module and MetricsCube - a leading platform for fully advanced WHMCS business analytics.
It is about time you cut down the redundant costs! Order Multibrand For WHMCS today to market your unique products and services through finely tailored brands and keep every little detail under absolute supervision right in your WHMCS installation!
- User-Friendly Management Of Multiple Brands
- Easy Modification Of Existing Brands
- Assign Ticket Departments To Brands
- Assign Ticket Piping Email Addresses To Brands
- Configure Payment Gateways For Each Brand
- Configure Email Templates For Each Brand
- Configure SMTP Mailboxes For Each Brand
- Set Up Pricing Of Products, Addons, And Domains For Each Brand
- Define Product Bundles For Each Brand
- Define Promotions For Each Brand
- Display And Migrate Clients Between Brands
- Display And Manage Relations:
- Announcements
- Billable Items
- Downloads
- Emails
- Invoices
- Knowledgebase
- Quotes
- Services
- Tickets
- Toggle Brand Switcher
- Toggle Invoice Branding
- Toggle Brand Status
- Toggle Auto Client Assignment
- Toggle Pricing Branding
- Toggle SMTP Settings Branding
- View Monthly And Total Sales Per Brand
- View Dynamic Statistics On Each Brand
- View Logs
Admin Area
- Order Branded Products
- Create Branded Clients
- Create Branded Invoices
- Create Branded Billable Items
- Create Branded Quotes
- Open Branded Tickets
- Create Branded Announcements
- Add Branded Knowledgebase Articles
- Add Branded Downloads
- Send Branded Email Message To Single Or Multiple Clients
- Send Branded Password Reset Emails
- Display Brand Labels On The Lists:
- Announcements
- Cancellation Requests
- Clients
- Domain Registrations
- Downloads
- Invoices
- Knowledgebase Articles
- Orders
- Service Addons
- Tickets
- Display Branded Invoice Number
- Invoice Selected Items On Client Summary
- Log In As Client To Chosen Brand
Client Area
- Display Client Area Template And Default Language Depending On Brand
- Access Services, Invoices, Downloads, Ticket Departments, And Payment Gateways Assigned To Brand
- View Knowledgebase Articles And Announcements Assigned To Brand
- Receive Branded Emails And Invoices
- Assign Clients Automatically Upon Registration To Brand
- Toggle Auto Assignment Of Clients When Logging In To Different Brand
- Allow Clients To Switch Between Brands Using Dedicated Menu
Brand Configuration
- Set Up Brand Name
- Brand Company Name
- Brand Domain Address
- Brand System URL
- Brand Logo
- Brand Default Language
- Brand Template
- Brand Order Template
- Brand Address
- Brand Signature
- Brand Email Address
- Brand Ticket Departments
- Brand Graph Color
- Brand Terms Of Service URL
- Brand Invoice Sequential Number, Format, And Pay To Text
- Toggle Proforma Invoicing
- Toggle Zero Invoices Number Branding
- Choose Default And Available Currencies Per Brand
- Set Up Branded Or Normal Payment Gateways
- Brand Email CSS Styling And Content
- Brand Email Templates In Various Languages
- Brand Affiliate URLs
Branded Payment Gateways
- 2Checkout
- Authorize.Net
- Bank Transfer
- Checkout.com
- Payflow Pro
- PayPal Checkout
- PayPal REST
- Stripe
- WePay
General Info
- Integrated With MetricsCube - Business Intelligence Platform For WHMCS
- Integrated With SMS Center For WHMCS - Send Personalized SMS Messages Based On Clients Brands
- Multi-Currency Support
- Multi-Language Support
- Supports PHP 8.2 Back To PHP 7.4
- Supports WHMCS Themes "Six", "Twenty-One" And "Lagom WHMCS Client Theme"
- Supports WHMCS V8.11 Back To WHMCS V8.8
- Requires ionCube Loader V13 Or Later
- Easy Module Upgrade To Open Source Version
Released: Sep 11th, 2024- WHMCS V8.11 support
- Support for PHP 8.2 version
- Maintenance update and stability optimizations
- Notices regarding failures to send emails for a brand will now be added to WHMCS system activity log - case #1155
- Requires ionCube Loader V13 or later
- If the "email_preferences" option is set to "NULL" in the database, the module will now treat it as if all email notifications are enabled, rather than disabled - case #1137
- Support for WHMCS V8.7 and previous
- Eliminated "Division by zero" exception error occurring during "Upgrade/Downgrade" with "Days Left on Current Cycle" was already at "0" and the "Price Override" option enabled in the module's settings - case #1135
- Resolved conflict with Payment Gateway Charges For WHMCS that could cause empty invoices to be generated when invoice items were split into brands - case #1138
- Fixed problem that could cause client logouts on redirection to payment gateways for order completion when a large number of services were assigned to a brand offer - case #1140
- Eliminated critical error when accessing the relations of knowledge articles when at least one of the articles had "Tags" assigned and PHP 8.1 was being used - case #1142
- Fixed the "Could not load any product groups" error that could occur when ordering a new service after branding was enabled, price override disabled, and the content in the "Multibrand_Pricing" database table was not yet generated - case #1154
- Solved problem where the default brand language was not properly set after the first client area access - case #1157
- Resolved assorted issues with payments using the "Stripe Elements" gateway - case #1111
- Address problems that could occur when using the "Manage Nameservers", "Edit Contact Information", "Renew Domains", and "More..." shortcut buttons in the client area domain list view - case #1160
- Other minor code corrections
Released: Jan 23rd, 2024- WHMCS V8.9 support
- Solved the "Instance is not set" error occurring when a client tried to log in to a brand to which they were not assigned - case #1116
- Module will no longer send "Invoice Emails" notifications if that option is disabled in the client's profile - case #1119
- Fixed "Something went wrong" error that could occur when trying to transfer the domain or reset the password on PHP 8.1 server - case #1113, #1115
- Eliminated several errors generated into the "tblerrorlog" database table when viewing active products/services in the client area - case #1118
- Solved case that could cause the "TypeError: in_array()" error when selecting a department for ticket submission - case #1126
- Resolved issue where "Brands" information might not be loaded in both admin and client areas - case #1121
- Fixed case where an exception error could occur when trying to respond to a branded ticket from the admin area to the guest client - case #1110
- Solved problem with the "Call to a member function getBrand()" error that could occur during the "Email Campaigns" cron job - case #1114
- Resolved issue that could prevent displaying brand labels on the list of products/services in the admin area - case #1123
- Eliminated "Smarty Compiler: Syntax error" occurring when using "Invoice Selected Items" from the list of products/services in the admin area - case #1123
- The "Password Reset Validation" email message will now be sent properly - case #1129
- Other minor code corrections
Released: Aug 9th, 2023- WHMCS V8.8 support
- Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
- Fixed case that might have caused the "Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array (...)" error after adding any domains into the cart - case #1102
- Eliminated "The results could not be loaded" error that could occur when trying to add the SecurePay payment gateway to a brand - case #1103
- Solved "Exception: Item type product (...) does not exist" error that could occur for some customers immediately after activating the addon module - case #1104
- Resolved issue with empty "Brands" columns in WHMCS admin area pages if its domain contained the "services" phrase and the admin access panel path was customized - case #1107
- Other minor code corrections
Released: Apr 25th, 2023- Support for branded PayPal Checkout payment gateway integration - case #1095
- Solved problem with the payment cards added by clients, before the module activation, that were not accessible from the client area - case #1084, #1085
- Corrected wrongly displayed referral link for affiliates in the client area - case #1072
- Resolved issue with email notifications for ticket escalations that were always included in the first ticket reply - case #940
- The "Invoice Payment Confirmation" email will now be properly branded for the Stripe SEPA payment callback - case #1064
- Fixed the "Call to a member function validateGateways() on null" error that might appear when a guest client tried to place an order - case #1098, #1099
- Corrected display of the TLDs pricing, which may have caused some domain prices to be missing - case #1099
- Assorted adjustments related to the "Lagom WHMCS Client Theme" support
- Other minor code corrections
Released: Mar 3rd, 2023- WHMCS V8.7 support
- Support for WHMCS V8.3 and previous
- Support for PHP 7.3 version
- Fixed cases when added payment cards might not have been visible in the client area - case #1059, #1084
- Resolved problem that might have caused issues with adding new users - case #996
- Eliminated "TypeError: array_key_exists()" error that might have occurred when trying to send an email without any email templates enabled for the brand - case #1082
- Corrected email branding for sending the "New Message" from the client summary - case #930
- Assorted corrections related to the Stripe payment gateway support
- When creating a quote for a new client, the assigned brand will be correctly saved - case #1083
- Switching client when adding a new order from the admin area will no longer cause the brand dropdown to be multiplied
- Eliminated number of entries generated into the "tblerrorlog" database table
- Certain code improvements related to PHP 8.1 support
- Other minor code corrections and improvements
Released: Oct 20th, 2022- WHMCS V8.5 and V8.6 support
- Support for PHP 8.1 version
- Brand switcher - allow your clients to easily navigate, from the navigation menu, between the brands they are assigned to - case #995
- Restored support for the Stripe payments - case #963
- Requires ionCube Loader V12 or later
- Support for WHMCS V8.2 and previous
- Support for PHP 7.2 version
- Assorted corrections related to adding and removing Stripe payment methods
- Partly fixed missing client ID numbers for certain actions when viewing the system activity logs - case #966
- Corrected issue with the "Brand" label being multiplied when resetting the user password from the admin area - case #1007
- Brands can have other themes selected although the "Lagom Client Theme" is marked as the main one in the WHMCS general settings - case #1006
- Assorted fixes related to the WHMCS user management along with sending and accepting invitations to create an account - case #996
- Resolved an exception error with creating a new client account from the admin area if an assignee to the brand was not selected - case
- Added a missing notification error that should appear when clients try to sign in to a brand using incorrect login credentials - case #954
- Fixed problem with doubling the recurring invoice numbers if the "Proforma Invoice" and the "Invoice Number Branding" options were disabled - case #953
- Restored the missing brand selector when creating an invoice from the admin area - case #1008
- Tickets imported with email piping will be now correctly assigned to a corresponding brand instead of the default one - case #988
- Available brands selection will be now properly updated when switching clients for quote creation
- Reduced number of entries generated into the "tblerrorlog" database table - case #856, #991
- Added missing support for "Domain Renewal Link" and "Client Domains Link" merge fields variables - case #1040
- Fixed certain issues related to WHMCS "Email Campaigns" functionality
- Many other code corrections and UI improvements
Released: Mar 1st, 2022- WHMCS V8.4 support
- If a client uses the URL to a brand they do not belong to, they will be automatically logged into the first brand to which they are assigned - case #960
- Added support for "brandid" parameter when using "AddOrder" API function - case #980
- Support for WHMCS V8.0 and previous
- The module will now respect the "Hide name server fields" setting when the "Lagom" theme is used - case #976
- Empty service relations will be no longer displayed in brand configuration when a product is deleted along with an order - case #978
- A TLD will no longer be displayed in WHMCS domain spotlight if it has been removed from a brand - case #993
- Other minor corrections
Released: Dec 1st, 2021- WHMCS V8.3 support
- Added support for WHMCS SEO friendly URLs for products (note: some bugs may arise because the implementation by WHMCS itself does not work fully)
- Temporarily removed full support for the Stripe payments due to not all functionalities working correctly - we are working on the update - case #963
- Eliminated "Call to a member function getWhmcsEditUrl()" 500 error that might rarely occur when trying to assign a client to a brand with the "Add All Items" option enabled - case #969
- When using the admin area Lara theme, the brand dropdowns should be now listed properly on the integrated sections - case #970
- Other code corrections and adjustments
Released: Sep 1st, 2021- SMS Center For WHMCS module integration which allows sending branded SMS messages with support for SMS history, templates, and merge fields variables
- Updated queries to speed up page loading in the client area if a user owns a large number of domains - case #956
- Fixed case when a client could log in to a brand that they were not assigned to, and the "Auto Client Assignment" option was disabled - case #954
- Non-branded departments will no longer be displayed in a given brand when an unlogged client is trying to open a ticket - case #955
- Other minor code corrections and improvements
Released: Aug 10th, 2021- WHMCS V8.2 support
- Optimized loading of the client area if a large number of orders, invoices, services, or TLDs was assigned to the brand - case #926, #928
- "Email Send Aborted By Hook" notice to a more detailed one when an email cannot be sent by the module due to the "Disable Email" option being switched on - case #925
- If "TOS URL" is provided for a specific brand, Terms of Service will be shown at the checkout regardless of the "TOS Acceptance" option set in WHMCS "General Settings"
- Support for WHMCS V7.10 and previous
- Changing the product group in the client area will now work properly when using the mobile view - case #919
- Eliminated "Provided param is not an id or Eloquent" error that might have occurred when generating invoices by cron for a client that was not assigned to any brand - case #920
- Entering the WHMCS "Email Campaigns" section will no longer generate errors in the browser's console as well as in the module logs - case #921
- The module will no longer redirect clients to the first product group that is not assigned to the brand when using a direct URL to the cart - case #922
- Fixed "General error: 1390 Prepared statement contains too many placeholders" error that might have occurred when adding a large number of clients and items at once to the brand - case #923
- Branded invoice numbers will be now properly displayed on the "My Invoices" list in the client area - case #924
- Fixed "Domains must begin with a letter or a number and be between 0 and 0 characters in length" error that could be shown when trying to search for a domain that is unavailable - case #927
- Eliminated problem with double slashes ("//") in a ticket URL in certain email messages - case #855
- Payment gateways will now have correctly branded friendly names on the invoice view and when adding a new payment method - case #937, #947
- Corrected issues with listing domains for a client with no relation set if the "Products/Services Branding" option is disabled - case #943
- Fixed "get support" URL branding displayed in an email footer - case #945
- "Pay Now" button will be now visible on the invoice view when using the Stripe payment gateway - case #944
- Other code corrections and improvements
Released: Apr 29th, 2021- Support for WHMCS V7.9 and previous
- Support for PHP 7.1 version
- Solved problem with the branded ticket replies that did not contain the attached file in the email message - case #881
- Corrected issue that might have caused "Currencies" exception errors that occurred after the latest module upgrade - case #884
- Fixed problem with access to the admin area related to the " $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME']" setting or if the WHMCS System URL contained "www" address prefix - case #887
- Resolved problem with branded Stripe gateway on WHMCS V7.10 - case #888
- Eliminated the "Gateway is not configured in current brand" error that might have occurred when using the "Cancel & Refund" action - case #889
- Exception error will no longer occur in the client area when branded product is deleted from WHMCS - case #890
- Editing an account details by the client will no longer cause unassigning it from brands - case #892
- Fixed case that might have caused the "HTTP 500 Internal Server Error" when trying to register a domain - case #893
- Corrected issue that might have affected "Unpaid" invoice counter in the branded client area - case #894
- Optimized module performance if products' branding is disabled - case #895
- "Password Reset" email template will be now properly sent in the client's language if available - case #896
- "Credit Card Payment Confirmation" email template should be now properly branded when using "Attempt Capture" in the admin area and the "Full Friendly Rewrite" setting is set to "Friendly URLs" - case #898
- When the module's "Bank Transfer" payment gateway is selected, fields to enter credit card details will no longer be displayed - case #883
- Resolved case that might have caused ticket emails to be sent twice if a given email template was disabled for the brand - case #900
- Using deprecated "Mass Mail Tool" will no longer cause exception errors on WHMCS V7.10 - case #899
- Fixed problem with an empty group of products in the branded client area if it was opened using a direct URL to the cart - case #911
- Corrected a rare issue resulting from missing currency in a stored session - case #884
- Optimized page loading when using a direct URL to add a product to the cart or when opening the module's brand section - case #907, #904
- Eliminated double slash "/" character occurring in the logo URL - case #903
- Certain corrections to resolved problems with "Email send aborted by hook" message in the admin area - case #891
- Other code corrections and improvements
Released: Feb 1st, 2021- WHMCS V8.1 and "Twenty-One" theme support (note: a separate integration code is required for the new theme)
- "Disable Email" - choose if you wish to switch off all the outgoing email messages from a given brand
- Added support for "Strong Customer Authentication" (SCA) to the Stripe payment gateway to meet PSD2 regulations - case #563
- A branded email will be now sent properly when the ticket is submitted using an unregistered email address - case #827
- Fixed "Gateway MbBankTrasfer is not configured in the current brand" error that might have occurred when the "Bank Transfer Instructions" field was left empty in the payment gateway configuration - case #837
- Eliminated "Provided param is not an id or Eloquent model object" errors that might have occurred e.g. when a gateway currency was different from the actual payment made in WHMCS - case #844, #826, #702
- Corrected branding of usage billing invoices - case #831
- The module cron will no longer try to apply credits from a client's credit balance when that is empty and the "Automatic Credit Use" option is enabled in "General Settings" - case #828
- Fixed case when the "Reset Password" emails might not be branded properly - case #846
- Expired domains of one brand will no longer be added to the sidebar counter of another brand - case #836
- Tickets without any brand assigned will no longer be displayed on the list with the default brand label - case #845
- Eliminated issues of the "Order Confirmation" email being branded incorrectly - case #841
- Solved issue with loading an incorrect brand into the dropdown selection after pressing the Saving Changes button, when creating a new quote - case #702
- Exception error will no longer occur when trying to make a new order in the branded store that has no services with set up pricing- case #848
- The option to select a brand will be now available when trying to reset the user password from the admin area - case #842
- Product addons marked as "Hidden" will no longer be displayed in branded stores - case #851
- Fixed problem with the "brandid" or "brands" parameters that were not taken into account when opening a ticket using the API call - case #850
- Eliminated "Unable to load your shopping cart. Please contact support." error that might have occurred on WHMCS V7 when trying to register a domain using "Modern" order form template - case #873
- Resolved problems with "Send Email" action button available on an unpaid invoice view if one of the branded payment gateways was used for the transaction
- The gateway name in the payment method field will be now properly branded on the service view in the client area - case #863
- Changing currency when registering a domain will no longer redirect to the products offer - case #861
- Corrected linking to the order form with preselected addons when using a specified URL - case #859
- "Credit Card Expiring Soon" email generated by cron will be now properly branded - case #858
- Credits will no longer be applied twice to the invoice which might occur when using "Generate Due Invoices" action from client summary - case #857
- Corrected double slashes ("/") characters that could be added to the URLs sent in the ticket feedback email - case #855
- Pricing of product addons that are offered as free is now displayed correctly- case #880
- Fixed invoice brand numbering on WHMCS V7 when trying to generate an invoice from a draft in the admin area - case #878
- "0.00 Setup Fee" notice will no longer appear on the order form if its pricing was not entered or set to zero - case #874
- Resolved case that might have caused displaying non-available domain renewal periods on the order form - case #869
- Reduced number of PHP warnings generated in error the logs - case #856
- Other code corrections and improvements
Released: Nov 18th, 2020- "Test Connection" feature for email configuration - check if provided SMTP settings are correct for a brand by sending a test message - case #785
- Display to which brand entries in the "Cancellation Requests", "Service Addons", and "Domain Registrations" tables belong
- Assorted performance adjustments to enhance the loading speed of the branded client area for clients who own a large number of items such as domains, products, addons, or bundles - case #755
- Added "Currency" column for the "Invoices" relations table in the brand configuration view
- Added notice informing that uploaded brand logos should be consistent with WHMCS requirements - case #796
- Added missing "Brand" column for the "Invoiced Items" table in the "Billable Items" section in the client profile - case #761
- Fixed issue that might have caused double slashes ("//") occurring in the submit ticket URL when sending the "Replies Only Bounce Message" email template - case #795
- Resolved problems with making payments for the order completion when clients wanted to pay using their credit balance - case #800
- Solved case with the "Brands" dropdown field that might have disappeared when placing orders from the admin area on WHMCS V7.X versions - case #813
- Corrected "Search" dropdown field for assigning addons in brand relations - case #814
- WHMCS global search in the admin area will now work properly when any of the Multibrand addon pages are opened - #816
- Fixed problems with sending email messages on WHMCS V8 when the SMTP "Override" option was disabled to use the default WHMCS configuration - case #820
- Resolved issue with applying promotion codes when placing orders from the admin area - case #821
- Other minor code corrections and adjustments
Released: Oct 30th, 2020- WHMCS V8.0 and PHP 7.4 support
- Dedicated Multibrand "Bank Transfer" payment gateway - case #802
- Optimized loading of brand configuration page when it contained a large number of assigned invoices - case #787
- Support for WHMCS V7.8 and previous
- Support for PHP 7.0 and previous
- Eliminated "the currency is not supported" error that might have shown up when ordering domains or free products through the admin area - case #789, #797
- Fixed issue where no subsequent branding number was added to the invoice automatically generated by cron if the option "Zero Invoices Number Branding" was enabled - case #798
- Corrected unwanted redirection to "login page" that could occur when the guest client was trying to complete the order - case #758
- Invoice PDF names will now contain the final invoice number instead of their proforma numbers - case #780
- Eliminated exception error that might have shown up when trying to save changes for support ticket options - case #783
- Corrected ticket URLs sent in emails for staff notifications that sometimes could use the wrong domain and cause WHMCS invalid license check error - case #804
- Fixed currency amount format and conversion issues that might have occurred for the Multibrand Stripe payment gateway - case #801
- Eliminated "Detected attempt to include init.php for a second time. Unable to continue." error that might have occurred when trying to reply to tickets, send an email, reset client password, or activate pending orders - case #778
- Tax amount will be now properly recalculated when renewing the service with a discount applied - case #741
- Corrected previewing email content from brand relations details in the admin area - case #792
- Prevented "Unable to find relation" errors in logs when "Clients Only" or "Pipe Replies Only" options were enabled for ticket department settings - case #809
- Other code corrections and improvements
Released: Aug 5th, 2020- Multi-currency support - choose per brand the default and additional currencies that will be available to clients - case #747
Note: Requires additional configuration
- Zero invoices settings - choose whether they should be assigned a subsequent brand number or not - case #759
- "Zero Invoices Marked As Paid" option - use the "Zero Invoices Number Branding" configuration instead - case #744
- Fixed missing "Stripe" gateway on the dropdown list if its "Friendly Name" was not set - case #751
- The module will now attempt to load the "configuration.php.new" file to fix the exception errors occurring when the "configuration.php" file was unnecessarily deleted by the admin after the module updates - case #752
- Partly corrected display of a brand name with the apostrophe character on the module's brand list and email messages - case #753
- When using email piping, emails sent from clients that do not exist in WHMCS will be now branded based on the ticket department settings in the "Tickets Mail Import" section instead of being automatically assigned to the default brand - case #746
- The domain will be no longer incorrectly charged during the ordering process if it was marked as free when offered with a selected service - case #754
- Prevented console errors from occurring when previewing invoices in the admin area in case "Invoice Number Branding" was disabled
- Fixed brand assignment when generating an invoice from billable items
- Resolved compatibility problems with another module using WHMCS API to send email messages - case #771
- Generated metric usage invoices will now have a properly assigned brand
- Solved problem with processing HTML tags in the "Logs" section
- Other code corrections and improvements
Released: Jul 8th, 2020- Resolved problem with the "To few arguments to function" error that might have occurred when the "Checkout.com" payment gateway was used - case #666
- Corrected "Provided param is not an id or Eloquent model object" exception error that might have appeared when one of the currencies was removed - case #722
- Domain renewal invoices will no longer lose their associated brands when the grace period expires and the redemption charge is added to the invoice - case #689
- Resolved issue with searching for domains to register when the "output_bufferring" record was not set in the server php.ini configuration - case #715
- Solved case that might have resulted in cutting the first TLD extension letter from the availability status while searching for domains to register - case #716
- Fixed "One of the selected domains does not belong to the brand" error that could have occurred when trying to initiate the domain transfer from the admin area when the "Price Override" option was disabled - case #719
- Resolved problems with tax calculation for the "2Checkout" payment gateway integration when the "Convert To" option was set to "None" - case #700
- Solved issue with removing clients from WHMCS if they were assigned to a brand and had branded items in their accounts - case #723
- "TypeError: data.quote is undefined" error will no longer appear in browser's inspector console on the client summary page if no items were assigned to the account - case #725
- Resolved issue that could have occurred when not logged in clients were placing orders - case #726
- Fixed conflict with the third-party module that was adding additional fees using "InvoiceCreation" and "InvoiceCreated" hooks when generating invoices by daily cron - case #724
- Corrected "Error: Class 'MGModuleMultibrandCorePHPMailer' not found" that might have shown up on WHMCS V7.10.2 - case #727
- Prevented "Cannot access empty property in BrandFinder" errors that might have occurred during cron execution if the server was still using the deprecated PHP version - case #728
- Solved case where split invoices could have been automatically paid using credits even when the "Automatic Credit Use" option was disabled - case #742
- Fixed problem with obtaining and saving branded domains pricing when multiple currencies were used - case #743
- Resolved issues related to "0 [internal function]: IlluminateDatabaseQueryBuilder->__call('getType', Array)" errors - case #745
- Other code corrections, fixes and improvements
Released: May 6th, 2020- WHMCS V7.10 support
- Assign a large number of clients to brands at once thanks to the "Clients Groups" option - case #525
- Assign a client or a group of clients to a brand along with all their items such as services, invoices, quotes etc. - case #525
- Duplicate brands - easily copy existing brands with their configuration for newly added domains - case #648
- Multibrand invoice number will be now also displayed as a separate field in the WHMCS invoice options tab - case #620
- Choose "Default Brand" that will be from now used in cases when there is no other brand relation found for the given item - case #672
- Optimized number of requests from the module in both admin area and client area - case #617, #649
- You can now choose whether to enable or disable logging activity in the module addon - case #639
- If the module detects that the given service is not yet branded, it will now automatically assign it to the default brand to avoid potential problems - case #652, #672
- Assorted changes related to how the module now handles brand assignment with the newly added "Default Brand" option - case #672
- Support for WHMCS V7.7 and previous
- Deleting invoices from order will no longer result in removing branding from that order - case #282
- "This Month Sale" and "All Time Sale" counters will now show correctly calculated values - case #586, #641
- When a payment gateway is disabled in the WHMCS configuration, it will be now also disabled from the branded payment method
- Corrected sending PDF quotes as email messages to clients - case #619
- Assorted corrections related to upgrading products in the admin area - case #629
- Moving package to other customer will now properly display the client's ID when clicking on the customer's email - case #630
- Resolved exception error when replying to a support ticket that had a billing entry marked to be invoiced immediately - case #631
- Corrected displaying product addons in a cart
- Streamlined HTML processing for the variables sent by mailers
- Clients will no longer be able to view their tickets on other brands when using the same ticket ID in brand URL
- Corrected articles search results by tag when the "space" character was used in provided phrases
- Fixed issue that might have caused that domain register billing cycles were not displayed in a cart when the "Price Override" option was enabled for a brand
- Slight corrections related to password reset URLs sent in email messages - case #640
- "Auto Clear" logs toggle can now be successfully set as disabled in automation settings
- Fixed exception error that might have occurred when adding a product addon to a cart by clients whose one of the products is not assigned to any brand - case #652
- Splitting tickets replies will be now branded with the same brand as the ticket - case #656, #528
- Resolved problems with the "Unable to find brand by message" error that might have occurred when sending email marketer via the WHMCS daily cron - case #671
- Once creating quotes for new or existing clients, the properly related brands will be now displayed for assignment - case #674
- When placing a manual order in the admin area for items that are not assigned to the related client's or service's brand, the relevant warning notice will appear
- The brand selection will be now correctly shown up when creating a new download
- Solved problem with displaying "one time" service as "1 month" on products tiles in the client area - case #683
- Fixed issue related to missing parameters (customvars) in the email message when it is sent using the "mbSendEmail" API function - case #710
- Corrected unique referral link displayed for affiliates accounts - case #711
- Plenty minor issues corrections and other slight improvements
Released: Dec 9th, 2019- WHMCS V7.9 support
- Support for WHMCS V7.6 and previous
- Fixed problem with creating new brands when one of the products/addons/domains has missing pricing in one of the multiple currencies (if previously added) - case #621
- New invoice numbers will be no longer generated on certain actions if a given invoice already has a previously assigned number - case #622
- Resolved issues with the "{$quote_date_created}" merge field variable in email templates - case #623
- Corrected wrong amount of the "{$client_due_invoices_balance}" merge field variable displayed in email templates - case #624
- Fixed problem with domain renewals requiring the "Products / Services Branding" option to be enabled - case #625
- Resolved issue with products' cart URLs when the "Products / Services Branding" option is disabled - case #626
- Other minor code corrections
Released: Nov 4th, 2019- Solved problem with omitting the second variable in messages when in email templates two merge fields next to each other were not separated by any space - case #526
- The maintenance mode that uses URL redirection will no longer cause exception errors
- Corrected problem with access to the "Knowledgebase" section that occured in the previous module version - case #562
- Fixed problem with the sorting of payment gateways
- Resolved issue that might have occurred when ordering a product with domain to register - case #564
- Corrected error that could have displayed the wrong amount of products in the branded store orders - case #566
- When opening a ticket for a client it will be now possible to choose only brands to which this client actually belongs to - case #567
- Fixed "Exception: Unable to find object type" error that might have occurred when sending mass email messages - case #568
- "Class 'MGModuleMultibrandCorePHPMailer" error should no longer appear on WHMCS prior to version 7.8 - case #573
- Manual invoices creation as well as their publication will no longer cause any errors - case #575
- Fixed issue that could have blocked displaying the "Register a New Domain" and "Transfer Domains to Us" positions in the branded "Store" menu - case #590
- Special characters like ' or & used in tickets will no longer be incorrectly displayed in HTML format such as ' or & - case #593
- Password reset by clients will now work properly on WHMCS V7.8 - case #592
- Direct URL addresses that automatically add products to the client's shopping cart should now work properly - case #604
- Fixed problem with currency conversion for the Stripe payment gateway - case #603
- The "Brand" field when adding a new "Billable Item " will not be displayed twice any longer - case #600
- Other minor corrections
Released: Aug 28th, 2019- WHMCS V7.8 support
- Choose whether to display sales statistics for all invoices or the paid ones only - case #489
- Change support ticket brand assignment directly from the ticket view in the admin area
- Choose email branding when resetting client's password from their profile tab in the admin area
- Quickly access all branded email messages directly from the new brand relations tab view
- Edit client's brand assignment directly from their profile tab in the admin area
- Mass action checkboxes to make deletion of brand relations easier and faster - case #517
- Brand WHMCS "System URL" address - case #520
- Assorted database query optimizations to improve the speed of loading pages containing products, product addons or domains
- Support for WHMCS V7.5 and previous
- Fixed problem with changing invoice brand when all other invoice settings remained unchanged
- While resetting a contact password, the sent email will now properly display the details of the sub-account instead of the main one - case #437
- Corrected issue with client migration between brands where not all relations were transferred to the new brand properly - case #495
- Resolved issues with disabling the "Price Override" option that was causing certain problems with displaying domains pricing and their availability in the client area
- Fixed problem with the "Domains Expiring Soon" panel that could have displayed an incorrect number of domains from other brands - case #513
- Added missing language translation records used for email templates - case #514
- Many other code tweak-ups and corrections
Released: Apr 10th, 2019- WHMCS V7.7 and PHP 7.3 support
- Friendly URL structures support
- Edit the number of a branded invoice directly from the module addon or invoice view
- Support for the "MbAddBillableItem" API function to be used for branding billable items - case #409
- Branded email messages can now be sent also as a blind copy if the "BCC Messages" field is defined in WHMCS General Settings - case #407
- When filtering the tickets list in the module addon, the "Ticket ID" field from the database can now be used in addition to "Ticket Number" - case #468
- Support for WHMCS V7.4 and previous
- "Tickets Piping" section renamed to "Tickets Mail Import"
- Fixed problem with sending attachments via email when opening a ticket in the client area - case #482
- Corrected display of information on a credit refund issued by cron in the transactions list log - case #480
- Stripe payment gateway will now use tokens instead of a CC number on payment to meet the new API requirements - case #329
- A brand can be now properly assigned to the invoice in the admin area if no branding was set beforehand - case #474
- Fixed conflict with GoCardless payment gateway - case #473
- A client will no longer have access to a default payment method assigned to other brands in the Account Details section - case #472
- Tag Cloud in Knowledgebase articles will properly use branding from now on - case #471
- If the Knowledgebase category includes a single article only, brands to which the article is assigned will no longer be displayed twice - case #436
- Fixed problem with brand assignment display in case the upgrade order was placed via configurable options - case #465
- Resolved conflict with CRM For WHMCS module - #464
- Unpaid invoices will be now properly marked as proforma instead of as a regular invoice - case #463
- Corrected issue with "Mass Mail Tool" showing only one brand assigned to all clients - case #462
- Upgrade/downgrade orders will now have an assigned brand displayed correctly on the orders list - case #461
- If there are no TLDs, products or addons assigned to the brand, the sections related to them will be now inaccessible in the client area - case #456
- If the "Price Override" option is enabled, and there are no TLDs assigned to a specific brand, register and transfer domain actions will be hidden in the "Actions" sidebar menu in the client area - case #458
- A branded email will be now successfully sent to a client from the "Products/Services" tab in the admin area - case #460
- Corrected URL of a header logo in the "Knowledgebase" section in the client area - case #456
- Resolved compatibility issue with payment gateways that use the "_nolocalcc" function - case #441
- Fixed "?systpl=" parameter not being properly set when using the "View PDF" option for a quote in the admin area - case #415
- Eliminated fatal error that might have occurred when selecting a domain transfer while ordering a product in the client area - case #412
- A payment gateway disabled for a brand will no longer be accessible in the "Payment Method" dropdown on the invoice view - case #406
- Taken domains will no longer have pricing and "Add to cart" button displayed after checking their availability - case #479
- Invoice PDF format and the print view will now have branding applied when accessed in the admin area
- Corrected problems with opt-in/opt-out marketing email URLs
- Numerous assorted fixes and corrections
Released: Nov 22nd, 2018- Added support for CC recipients when sending a ticket reply
- Fixed issue of not showing all products in the client area in case of some brands, even if the "Products/Services Branding" option is disabled
- The ticket email notifications address will be now properly obtained from the dedicated ticket department instead of from the address set to the whole brand
- Module ticket branding will be now properly disabled if an external support module (e.g. Zendesk) is used in WHMCS instead
- Added missing translations to the language file of the chosen billing cycles in the cart view
- Case that clients could still log into a brand, that they are not assigned to if the "Remember Me" option was checked, will no longer take place
- Solved issue with the inability to select a brand in the "Send Email Message" section when the message was loaded from the previously saved template
- Resolved issue with the order template not being branded when the product branding is disabled
- Fixed empty domain list during the bulk change of the "Auto Renewal Status" in the client area
- Solved problems with adding Billable Items
- Using WHMCS dynamic translation feature will no longer cause exception errors in the client area
- Resolved issue with an unchanged invoice number when the invoice is fully paid with credits and the EU VAT Addon is used
- Eliminated error "Unable to find object type" caused by custom variables, used in the email template, when the message is sent by mbsendemail API function
- Resolved issue with the POP3 import that caused the ticket replies, sent via an external program, to contain only the client message without the actual admin reply
- Minor code corrections
Released: Sep 20th, 2018- Support for WHMCS 'Monthly Pricing Breakdown' option
- Resolved major security flaw
- Fixed missing brand logo in the refund confirmation message and on the invoices report generated by the "Batch PDF Invoice Export" tool - case #365
- Solved problem with an invalid amount of automatically applied credits from the user balance to the invoice - case #366
- Resolved issue with sending correspondence to clients with some special characters in their email address, e.g. "+" (plus) sign - case #367
- Corrected naming of PDF invoices files - case #369
- Solved issue with tickets imported via email piping being not always assigned to a correct brand - case #372
- Corrected invalid ticket URL in logs
- Resolved issue with an invalid table selector that caused the "Unable to find relation between domains # and brand!" error in logs
- Minor code corrections
Released: Aug 29th, 2018- Use "Copy To" and "Blind Copy To" fields at the email template configuration
- Create branded relations with "Billable Items"
- Toggle billing setting to automatically mark invoices with the total amount of 0 as paid after creation
- View a branded invoice number in the dedicated "Multibrand Invoice" field on the invoices list in the admin area and their details page - case #296
- Added support for WHMCS "Quick Search" to find branded invoices - case #323
- Added support for WHMCS "Free Domain" options for products - case #315
- Added support for {$template} variable used in custom themes - case #260
- Added branding support for addons assigned to products through admin area - case #314
- Added branding support for invoices created from the billable items - case #287
- Added branding support for affiliates URLs - case #259
- You can now filter tickets by their "Status" and "Last Reply" in the "Tickets" tab at the addon's "Relations" view - case #300
- Multiple branding corrections for domain renewals in the client area
- "Custom Admin Temp" template will be now properly handled when using "SendAdminEmail" function through a local API - case #328
- Resolved issue with deleting a branded logo that might not have been completely removed from the brand
- Corrected exception error that might have occurred for 2Checkout payment gateway when the "Account Number" field in the configuration has been left empty
- Solved problem with a brand language being improperly set for the client with a chosen "default" language
- Initiating the password reset action by a client's contact will now correctly send an email to that contact instead of to the main client account
- Changing the domain registration period after already adding it to the cart will now correctly recalculate the renewal price using the branded amount instead of the main WHMCS price
- Corrected issue with available addons for services being obtained from all the brands instead of from the currently logged into
- Solved issues with duplicating branded invoices
- Fixed invoices and domains counters on the sidebar menu that did not reflect the actual amounts for a particular brand
- Assorted code corrections
Released: Jul 19th, 2018- 'Products/Services Branding' option that allows you to assign products to a brand without overriding their pricing
- Eliminated fatal error that might occur when entering WHMCS payment gateways configuration
- Suppress error message when deleting a ticket without any relation
- Fixed redirection to the invoice brand at viewinvoice.php
- The '$attachments_dir' parameter will now be properly used, when sending a quote, if specified in the configuration.php file
- If PDF invoices are disabled in the main WHMCS configuration, they are disabled in all brands as well - case #335
- Minor code corrections
Released: Jun 28th, 2018- Resolved issue with migration of a large number of clients to brands
- Corrected process of searching invoices by ID in brand details
- Product bundles will be now displayed in the proper cart categories
- Eliminated problem with enabling email templates with special characters in the name
- The price will be now displayed correctly when performing the upgrade from a free product
- In case the upgrade option is not available for a certain product, it will no longer be displayed to a client
- Minor corrections to updating the brand_id parameter after invoice reassignment
- Resolved double display of TLDs in domain search results
- Fixed fatal error that might have occurred when saving the invoice in the admin area
- Executing the 'logActivity()' function in the other module's code will no longer break the Multibrand module
- The counter will now display the correct number of unpaid invoices in the client area
- Resolved incorrect brand redirection for certain payment gateways
- Assorted code corrections
Released: May 21st, 2018- Support for 'AddClient' API request - brand ID can now be included in the 'brands' variable
- Support for 'AddOrder' API call - brand ID can now be included in the 'brandid' variable
- Extended support for WHMCS 'Mass Mail Tool'
- It is now possible to select brand when using the 'Create Add Funds Invoice' option in the client summary page
- Eliminated 'MbStripe Gateway fatal error' occurring after unsuccessful connection with Stripe API
- Resolved fatal error occurring when adding custom WHMCS gateways which were using standard WHMCS gateways functions
- 'Client Email Address Verification' email is no longer randomly branded
- Accessing WHMCS from cPanel account by a client will no longer result in an error
- Corrected missing logo in the PDF invoice if it was sent by a daily cron
- Products marked as hidden in WHMCS are no longer displayed in the branded cart in client area
- Resolved fatal error occurring during domain search if the branded domain pricing list was not configured
- Attachments included in the tickets opened in admin area are now sent correctly
- Surmounted problem with empty responses for domain registration when custom template for client area was used
- Fixed missing domains for renewal in client area if the price overwrite was disabled for brand
- Resolved issue with timeout caused by MySQL when retrieving records for migration
- The 'Print Invoice' feature in admin area now correctly opens invoice preview instead of download window
- Assorted code corrections
Released: Apr 16th, 2018- Resolved issues related to hooks occurring in the encoded module's version installed on WHMCS V7.5
Released: Apr 3rd, 2018- WHMCS V7.5 support
- PHP 7.1 and 7.2 support
- Added custom 'mbsendemail' function to handle branded messages sent through the WHMCS API
- Fixed adding attachments for the WHMCS 'Mass Mail Tool'
- Eliminated issue with the download of the invoice when the HTTP headers have been already sent
- Corrected detection of whether the script in the client area is launched over CLI or with HTTP
- Brand domains with the 'www' prefix are now appropriately accepted
- Ticket departments from the ticket piping are now properly reassigned after the brand deletion
- Corrected 'Move a Product/Service' feature that caused the 'PDOException' error - case #288
- The record of the client group discount is no longer added to the invoice if the discount is set to 0
- Fixed branding of the 'Support Ticket Opened' message after importing tickets using the ticket piping feature
- The 'Email Send Aborted By Hook' notice is no longer displayed for successfully sent emails in the admin area
- Corrected use of the WHMCS message header and footer when the SMTP override is disabled
- Removed duplicated language names in email templates if backup copies of language files are created - case #290
- Fixed 'DataTable' error when sending the request with a long URL
- Resolved problems with decoding of service passwords sent in a branded email template - case #291
- Fixed issue with assigning invoices to brands by cron caused by certain custom server configuration
- Resolved problem with output buffering hook causing the domain to malfunction in the client area - case #292
- Fixed problems with ticket piping resulting in creation of a new ticket for each email imported from the mailbox
- Solved issues with missing variables used in the footer in email messages
- Fixed exception error occurring when splitting the invoice in the admin area
- Invoices created through API are now properly branded with the first brand assigned to a client
- Eliminated 'Unknown content type provided' error that might have occurred when creating a new brand - case #298
- Corrected missing nameservers for the {$service_ns1} and {$service_ns2} variables used for branded email templates
- Manual invoice merge or deletion will no longer lead to display of empty records on the list of invoice relations - case #301
Released: Jan 31st, 2018- Support for the Payflow Pro and WePay payment gateways
- Support for product bundles
- Support for ticket piping - automatically import email tickets to chosen brands
- Assign all products, addons or domains to brands at once - case #256
- Assign promo codes to brands
- Support for proforma invoicing - assign a sequential number to the invoice only when it has been paid for - case #253
- Support for branded affiliate URLs - case #268
- View and edit HTML source code for branded email templates
- Added 'Statement Descriptor' field for the Stripe payment gateway - case #236
- You can now remove all logs on demand or automatically wipe them after a fixed number of days
- Added restriction for merging tickets if they belong to different brands
- The 'Send Message' action on a clients list will now send branded emails only to the clients who are assigned to a single brand - case #247
- Using the 'Invoice Selected Items' feature on a client summary page will now also brand invoices - case #246
- The module is now using the same date format as set in the WHMCS general settings - case #252
- Assorted code and language corrections
Released: Dec 14th, 2017- WHMCS V7.4 support
- Additional admin area addon access control
- Migration from previous versions now covers products assigned to the brands
- Statistics section has been optimized to better handle large numbers of records
- Open brand configurations in new tabs
- Revised CNAME record validation to accept both A and AAAA records
- Added missing brand labels in the ticket view in the admin area
- Added missing brand relations in the download sections located in the file details view in the admin area
- Replaced 'Sending Aborted By Hook' notification with 'Email sent by Multibrand addon' in the activity log
- Assorted corrections to the migration process to avoid troubles with old relations
- Corrected invalid admin logout URL in the client area
- Resolved problem with displaying two logos on the PDF quotation invoices
- Branded email notification of a ticket reply from the support now contains the latest ticket reply instead of ticket opening information
- Corrections to the module addon's activation to solve problems with the MyISAM storage engine
- Original WHMCS invoice will no longer be removed after creating a branded invoice by the cron
- Fixed problems with discounts on branded invoices generated by the cron
- Corrected missing email notification that should be sent after splitting the invoice
- Brand logos files from previous module versions are now migrated properly
- Email messages to non-exiting client accounts should now be properly branded
- Resolved compatibility problems with other modules using JSONParser
- Corrected errors that might occur during the client registration to a brand
- Fixed free product's addons missing during order placing
- Clients will now see only domains assigned to the brand they are currently logged in
- Module addon MySQL tables charset will now be set based on the WHMCS tblclients table to avoid collation problems
- Resolved missing branded email templates if the client's language is set to default
- Solved issue with sending branded emails if they contain such custom characters as <, >, &
- If checkout.tpl file does not exist in the custom order template then the checkout.tpl from the standard cart template will be used instead
- 'Unable to find object type' error in the new quote's creation will no longer occur after sending email as PDF for a new client
- If SMTP override is disabled then the mail type setting will be properly taken form the main WHMCS settings instead of the brand's ones
- Many other UI and code corrections
Released: Nov 2nd, 2017- WHMCS V7.3 support
- Display information about the brand on the list of clients, orders, services, tickets, knowledgebase articles, announcements and downloads
- Select the brand when adding a new client, order, ticket, knowledgebase article, announcement, download or sending a new message to a client
- Log in as a client directly to the selected brand
- Toggle pricing branding
- Toggle branded SMTP settings
- Support for quotes branding
- Support for data migration from Multibrand For WHMCS 1.X
- Default brand will now be automatically created after module activation
- Disabled payment gateways will no longer be visible at the checkout
- Domain counter and recurring amount in the client area will now be properly branded
- Not branded knowledgebase categories will no longer be incorrectly displayed in the client area
- Clients will no longer see the products from the group that has been hidden
- Surmounted blank page error occurring during a domain renewal or transfer if no branded pricing is set
- Assorted corrections to increase compatibility with other custom modules
- Domain spotlight labels are now displayed properly
- Fixed counter for customer-reply tickets
- Order summary is now properly updated after changing the product quantity
- Resolved problem with files access from the 'Downloads' tab
- Corrected domain renewal pricing
- Default language for brand is now correctly switched after the client logs in for the first time
- Solved multiple issues that might have occurred during clients migration between brands
- Tickets section will now display only client tickets from the currently loaded brand
- Fixed default selection of the first payment gateway at the checkout
- Branded sequential invoice number format is now properly updated
- Significant number of adjustments related to payment gateways
- Massive code corrections and many assorted bug fixes
Released: Sep 20th, 2017 BETA- Completely rewritten code
- Rebuilt addon module user interface
- Assorted language adjustments
- Set branded prices for products, addons and domains
- Clients migration between brands
- Branded email templates no longer require the creation of separated custom templates
- Reworked support for branded payment gateways
- 2Checkout payment gateway
- Authorize.Net payment gateway
- Checkout.com payment gateway
- PayPal REST payment gateway
- Stripe payment gateway
- Set up SMTP mailbox configuration per brand
- Set a sequential number and format for branded invoices
- Automatically add clients already having an account to a different brand after logging into it
- Logs section - view brand-related warnings and errors
- Statistics on brands
- Some previously available functionalities are yet to be restored in the upcoming versions - read more
Released: Sep 19th, 2017- Adjusted selection of the client ID when sending custom email templates
- Fixed dropdown functionality in WHMCS v6.0.0 (case #324)
- Corrected missing hash key in the password reset URL in case a client and contact use the same email address (case #325)
- Resolved problem with unbranded invoices if WHMCS 'No invoice email on order' option is enabled
Released: Jul 26th, 2017- Module optimizations aimed at handling a large number of brand relations
- Added missing key value in URL for branded password reset request
- Resolved compatibility issues with Recurring Billing Extended For WHMCS module
- Corrected redirections of 'Login Client to a Brand' feature
- Counter of available downloads will no longer take account of hidden files
- Solved problem with showing files from other brands in 'Most Download' section
- Resolved issue that might lead to sending blank emails after ticket opening
- 'Terms of Service' URL is now branded correctly
- 'Store' menu in navigation bar will now show only branded product categories
Released: Jun 13th, 2017- WHMCS V7.2 support
Released: Apr 14th, 2017- Corrected rare error of incorrect brand assignment for knowledgebase categories
- Bug Fix: Concealed PHP warnings appearing in invoice view when 'Display Errors' option is enabled in WHMCS settings
Released: Mar 9th, 2017- Resolved problem with affiliate links counting
- Corrected loop redirection in shopping cart occurring when no products are set for brand and domain registration is allowed
- Adjusted branded emails sending with the use of PHP mail() function
Released: Feb 9th, 2017- Corrected fatal error in opening unbranded ticket from unassigned department
- Resolved issue affecting password reset procedure
Released: Jan 19th, 2017- 'Password Reset Confirmation' branded email template support
- 'Password Reset Validation' branded email template support
- 'Automated Password Reset' branded email template support
- 'Quote Delivery with PDF' branded email template support
- 'Quote Accepted' branded email template support
- Select payment gateway according to WHMCS configuration order
Released: Jan 10th, 2017- Corrected system URL for credit card gateways in WHMCS V7
- Create branded email templates in used languages
Released: Dec 22nd, 2016- Add credits to client account from the client area
- Resolved issue related to transaction via branded 2CheckOut payment gateway
- Send branded 'Service Unsuspension Notification' emails in a proper manner
- Send support emails in correct client language
- Restored compatibility with 'zlib_output_compression' PHP library
Released: Nov 14th, 2016- Tweak HTTPS redirections
- Parse ticket replies using correct markdown formatting
- Prevent from redirecting to default brand after logging in
Released: Oct 21st, 2016- WHMCS V7 support
- PHP 7 support
- Resolved conflict with `Live Help` plugin
- Corrected branding of 'Service Unsuspension Notification' email
- Corrected creation of 'Client Signup' email
- Minor code refinements
Released: Aug 30th, 2016- Module cron job optimization
- Brand name is displayed correctly in email templates
- Sending emails using 'PHP Mail()' WHMCS mail type has been fixed
Released: Aug 19th, 2016- PHP notices are no longer displayed
Released: Aug 12th, 2016- Select email template from chosen brand or default to be sent to client
- Select brand for new announcement - enhanced support for admin area templates
- CC is now correctly added to e-mails sent from a ticket department
- Brand logo is displayed correctly even if there are special characters in a brand name
- Minor tweaks to resolve PHP notices
Released: Jul 8th, 2016- Display branding of knowledgebase page in the admin area
Released: May 30th, 2016- Display branded address on invoices - prevent from displaying WHMCS global configuration address
- Handle special characters
Released: Apr 28th, 2016- Add CC and attachments to ticket email
Released: Apr 25th, 2016- Send email with SMTPAuth
- Automatic selection of payment gateway on invoice view
- Resolved fatal error in hook files
Released: Mar 2nd, 2016- Compatibility with CRM For WHMCS - adding quotes
- Removing relations between deleted items
- Encoding of IPN PayPal connection
Released: Jan 20th, 2016- Branded announcements
- Branded knowledgebase
- Branded downloads
- Branded breadcrumbs
- Notify if storage directory is not writable
- Branding of invoice duplicate
- Branding of merged invoice
- Checking domain availability
- Minor tweaks
Released: Dec 14th, 2015- Currency conversion by a built-in PayPal gateway
Released: Nov 5th, 2015- Display lists of clients per brand
- Merge fields of email templates
Released: Sep 22nd, 2015- Template rendering
Released: Aug 25th, 2015- WHMCS V6 support
- Reassign items to default brand during removing brand
- Display brand products only
- Brand relations
- Display logo placeholder
Released: May 13th, 2015- Code optimization
Released: Apr 9th, 2015- PayPal IPN
Released: Mar 18th, 2015- Multibranded clients - assign clients to multiple chosen brands simultaneously
- Branded quotes
- Choose brand of new invoices, quotes and tickets
- Assign product bundles to chosen brands
- Affiliates
- Email pipping (SMTP & POP)
- Log in as client to chosen brand
- Define brand signature
- Verify integration of templates used by brands
- Branding of minor elements
- Invoice language
- Tickets branding
- Layout
- Mass assign clients to/between brand - optimization issue
- Cron invoice branding
- Addons/renewals cart redirect
- Payment gateways
- Password reset links
- Empty cart product category
- Minor fixes
Released: Nov 19th, 2014- Order Branded Products In The Admin Area
- Generate Branded Invoices In The Admin Area
- Manual Creation Of Branded Invoices In The Admin Area
- Custom Terms Of Service URL For Each Brand
- Redirecting Method
- Fixed: Email Sending - Brand Data
- Fixed: Hidden Product Groups
- Fixed: Bootstrap CSS
- Fixed: Manual Invoice Creation In The Admin Area
- Fixed: Branding Registration
Released: Nov 6th, 2014- Assign/unassign clients to brands on click
- Assign/unassign multibranded status to clients
- Migrate clients between brands
- Assign products to brands
- Assign ticket departments to brands
- Configure payment gateways for each brand separately - PayPal And 2CheckOut (beta)
- Generate and manage email templates per brand
- Dynamic brands comparison report
- Unbranded clients can only log into the default brand
- Branded clients can only log into the brand they are assigned to
- Multibranded clients can log into all existing brands with the same access details
- Major interface improvements
- Minor functionality fixes
Released: Sep 22nd, 2014- Minor fixes
Released: Aug 29th, 2014- Improved security and license validation
Released: Apr 23rd, 2014- Stable Release
Multibrand For WHMCSATIQUE RAHMAN 1 year agoI am very happy with this plugins features and its take my business to the new level. And support team also very supportive. Thank you
Multibrand For WHMCSEmily S 2 years agoMultiBrand allows us to market different companies, products, services, etc to various audiences and by keeping them separate we can learn much better how to improve our operations. It reduces cost while improving efficiencies due to automation and backoffice similarity for each brand/company. Customer service answers each and every question, problems get resolved and suggestions worked into the next version. Very good product from a very good company!
Multibrand For WHMCSSteini Pétur (IceNetworks Ltd) 2 years agoI can vouch that this module is the best in terms of splitting the brands, it isn't without its share of bugs that you may stumble upon but the support in resolving each bug is amazing, Modulesgarden takes maintaining the Multibrand module very seriously, and I have always been satisfied with their response. You can expect bugs in this type of module as this is quite a remarkable module in intercepting WHMCS core functionality and altering it. What makes it worth it is the fact that they submit sometimes a quick patch for you to fix your issue whilst adding it on their TODO list to be issued when the new version officially comes out. Been dealing with Modulesgarden for years with our module needs and wouldn't trade it for any other company.
Multibrand For WHMCSEko Junaedy (ON24) 3 years agoI use this module from many years and I'm absolutely satisfied. Works fine, always updated and a good support when you need.
Great Job Team
Thanks -
Multibrand For WHMCSMark J 3 years agoThis module is great & it's perfect for our business needs.
We can make different brands and assign prices in an easy way.
Thanks, team for a great job. -
Multibrand For WHMCSThiago (Impreza Ltd) 3 years agoExcellent module, it serves exactly the purpose. We are creating several different companies but maintaining the same financial and support, it is very easy to customize everything and it works very well, we recommend :)
Multibrand For WHMCSNicolae Ontiu 3 years agoMultibrand Module it's great module!
And ModulesGarden have very good support and always offer clear solutions to your requests. -
Multibrand For WHMCSRajesh Kumar (CHL Technology) 4 years agoAmazing Product for multiple businesses. Support has improved and now faster support and its amazing and delivers quickly.
Multibrand For WHMCSJan Thiel (Hive-IT GmbH) 4 years agoDelivering everything you need to run a Multi-Brand business from ONE WHMCS installation.
Amazing support and long term stable product. Support is amazing and delivers quickly. If you run several brands within your business, this is the way to go! -
Multibrand For WHMCSHoussam Chergui (Netulip) 5 years agoNice plugin that gets the job done,
We had some issues with setup but the support team was always available to assist us and provide useful guidance especially with CNAME setup & SSL
Integrations to our custom invoice template was taken in charge for free! -
Multibrand For WHMCSJames Russell (WebWorx Incorporated) 5 years agoWe have been using the multi-brand module for years, since the very first version released, and it has worked out perfectly for our multiple brands like WebMatics.com. If you’re going to buy a WHMCS plug-in, buy it from ModulesGarden because what you get is a well thought out and comprehensive solution to your problem. I would not hesitate when it comes to purchasing Multi-Brand from ModulesGarden!
Multibrand For WHMCSBurak Arda 5 years agoMultibrand Module is like magic.
You can add multiple brands with one whmcs... You can arrange prices for each brands. You can arrange custom emails for each brand...And you can do all these with setup custom domains for each brand...And there are lots of more great features in this module..
Module is working smoothly and fast. And also support is really great...
Words are not enough to describe multibrand module's greatness..It is better to check it out :)
Thanks for this great module .. keep up the good work :) -
Multibrand For WHMCSTaylor R. 5 years agoI was using 1shoppingCart before I found this. What a brilliant module! ModulesGarden Multibrand For WHMCS is an essential module for online entrepreneurs, especially affiliate marketers, but really just about anyone selling anything online that doesn't want to start a new billing system with every single business they launch. This will allow you to handle multiple businesses on multiple website businesses with one WHMCS license. Say no to redundant costs! We love how this allows us to bill clients separately for hosting charges, and web marketing charges. It keeps the two fees separated in the mind of the customer, and this makes it easier to understand from a billing standpoint for the customer.