
MX Registrar For WHMCS is a domain registrar module that will let you introduce automation of .mx domains provisioning and management into your WHMCS system. With its help your customers will be able to order and manage the domains directly from your client area!

Our module will not only automate provisioning of domains but will also enable you to manage several registrar commands like auto renewals or transfers of each ordered domain. All you have to do is activate the module in your WHMCS, run through its quick configuration, add .mx TLD and you are ready to go!

MX Registrar For WHMCS is a must-have solution for every NIC Mexico Accredited Registrar. Order the module today, set up your new domain registrar in a few minutes and start reselling .mx domains to your customers via WHMCS!


  • Module

    • Disable Auto Renewal After Successful Domain Registration
    • Disable Auto Renewal After Successful Domain Renewal
    • Suspend Domain X Days After Expiration
    • Delete Domain X Days After Expiration
    • Synchronize Domain Expiration Date And Status
    • Synchronize Domain Transfer Status
    • Toggle WHOIS Server
  • Admin Area

    • Register/Transfer/Renew Domain
    • Request Domain Deletion
    • Approve/Reject/Cancel Domain Transfer
    • Update Contact Details
    • Update Nameservers
    • Get EPP Code
    • Lock/Unlock Registrar
    • Toggle Domain Auto Renewal
  • Client Area

    • Enable/Disable Domain Auto Renewal
    • Manage Nameservers
    • Update Contact Details
    • Get EPP Code
  • General Info

    • Utilizes MX Registrar WHOIS Module
    • Supports TLS 1.1 and 1.2
    • Supports PHP 8.1 Back To PHP 7.3
    • Supports WHMCS Themes "Six" And "Twenty-One"
    • Supports WHMCS V8.10 Back To WHMCS V8.3
    • Requires ionCube Loader V12 Or Later
    • Easy Module Upgrade To Open Source Version
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Released: Dec 5th, 2022
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.6 support
  • Support for PHP 8.1 version
  • Requires ionCube Loader V12 or later
  • Support for WHMCS V8.2 and previous
  • Support for PHP 7.2 version


Released: Jun 21st, 2022
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.5 support
  • Support for WHMCS V8.1 and previous


Released: Mar 22nd, 2022
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.4 support
  • Domain suspend action will now also be applied when a domain has the grace period status - case #28
Bug Fix
  • Corrected registrar lock functionality to prohibit domain transfers - case #33
  • Support for WHMCS V8.0 and previous


Released: Oct 6th, 2021
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.3 support
  • Support for WHMCS V7.10 and previous
  • Support for PHP 7.1 version


Released: Aug 20th, 2020
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.0 and PHP 7.4 support
  • Support for PHP 7.0 and previous


Released: Apr 29th, 2020
New Feature
  • WHMCS V7.10 support
  • Support for WHMCS V7.7 and previous
Bug Fix
  • Prevented "Command syntax error" that might have occurred when updating client's contact phone number details - case #23
  • Fixed "Syntax error" that might have occurred when getting contacts details for inactive domain - case #25
  • Corrected submitting empty API request values when updating contact details with enabled "Use Existing Contact" option - case #26


Released: Jan 24th, 2020
New Feature
  • WHMCS V7.9 support
  • Support for WHMCS V7.6 and previous
Bug Fix
  • Restored missing "Registrar Lock" functionality in the client area - case #24


Released: Feb 7th, 2019
New Feature
  • WHMCS V7.7 and PHP 7.3 support
  • Support for WHMCS V7.3 and previous


Released: Apr 11th, 2018
New Feature
  • WHMCS V7.5 support
  • PHP 7.1 and 7.2 support
Bug Fix
  • Resolved issue with the 'Class mPdoWraper not found' error occurring after toggling the auto renewal or changing the nameservers


Released: Aug 7th, 2017
Bug Fix
  • Resolved problem with domain still having 'On Hold' status in MX Registry panel after its renewal
  • Corrected errors with modifying contact details for a transferred domain
  • Eliminated issues with 'Suspend Expired Domain' and 'Terminate Expired Domain' functions


Released: Oct 21st, 2016
New Feature
  • WHMCS V7 support
  • PHP 7 support


Released: Mar 24th, 2016
New Feature
  • Toggle WHOIS server
  • Refactored code


Released: Dec 9th, 2015
  • Module language


Released: Oct 15th, 2015
New Feature
  • WHMCS V6 support


Released: Jun 10th, 2015
New Feature
  • Custom WHOIS module for MX Registrar


Released: Mar 6th, 2015
New Feature
  • Supports TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2


Released: Aug 29th, 2014
  • Improved security and license validation


Released: May 9th, 2014
New Feature
  • Transfer Approve
  • Transfer Reject
  • Transfer Cancel


Released: Jan 20th, 2014
  • Added Module Logs
  • Added Auto Renew Enable/Disable - In The Admin Area And Client Area
  • Added Possibility To Disable Auto Renew After Successful Registration
  • Added Possibility To Disable Auto Renew After Successful Renew
  • Added Request Delete Function Called When A Domain Is Requested To Be Deleted
  • Added Possibility To Automatically Suspend Expired Domain
  • Added Possibility To Automatically Request Delete Of Expired Domain
  • Added Possibility To Automatically Request Delete Of Expired Domain After X Days
  • Added A Dropdown Menu In The Client Area Allowing To Choose Mexico State
  • Added State Conversion To Full Name For United States And Canada (e.g. FL → FLorida)
  • Removed Phone Numer Verification
  • Changed Test Server URL Used On Test Mode


Released: Sep 24th, 2013
  • Stable Release
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