
Recurring Contract Billing For WHMCS will give you the flexibility to offer your products and services through fixed-term contracts. Empowered to choose how long each contract lasts, you are no loner stuck with the predefined billing cycles, and can customize your setup to suit your specific invoicing needs.

This module makes it easy to control which products require clients to confirm a contract before placing an order. When you initiate an order in the admin area, the customer will be emailed a link to conveniently view and accept the conditions. You also have the option to upload contracts directly from the admin area for specific clients and services. Contracts can be created in multiple languages and can include a discount value as well as penalty amount for any breaches. Additionally, you can choose how they are signed - whether through a checkbox, file upload, or electronic signature.

You will be able to define the renewal type for each contract and manage additional settings, affording customers the ability to end it without facing any financial consequences - either during a trial period or within a specific timeframe before the contract expires. To ensure everyone stays informed, the module enables you to send notifications to your clients regarding their expiring contracts and renewal options. Along with this, it allows you to track essential statistics and logs through clear and accessible tables located right on the dashboard.

Ditch the ordinary! Invest in Recurring Contract Billing For WHMCS today and let it propel your business toward newfound levels of pricing and billing freedom.


  • Admin Area

    • Create, View And Manage Signed Contracts
    • Create Multiple Contracts Per Product
    • Request Contract Signing For Selected Service
    • View Recently Signed And Ended Contracts
    • View Contracts And Revenue Summaries
    • Configure Contract Content
    • Configure Contract Signature Types
    • Define Time Of Notifications Before Contract Expiration
    • Define Time After Which Contract Is Defined As Broken
    • Define Services Suspension Rules
    • Customize Module Language Files With "Translations" Tool
    • Control Staff Access Level To Specific Resources With ACL
    • View And Manage Logs
  • Contract

    • Define Contract Content In Multiple Languages:
      • Create Contract Content With WYSIWYG Editor
      • Use Merge Fields For Contract Template
    • Create Contract Templates:
      • Assign Product To Contract Template
      • Define Discounts And Penalty Types
      • Define Multiple Contracts Sets For Specified Currencies And Billing Cycles:
        • Define Contract Length - Up To 5 Years
        • Define Discount And Penalty Amounts
        • Define Days Before Expiration To Cancel Contract Without Penalty
        • Define Trial Period Length
        • Define Time To Send Renewal Notification
        • View Total And Recurring Prices
        • View Amount Of Penalty
      • Choose Contract Signature Type:
        • Adobe Acrobat Sign
        • Checkbox
        • DocuSign
        • Dropbox Sign
        • File Upload
        • SignNow
    • Define Contract Length Selection Type:
      • Dropdown Menu
      • Radio-Button
    • Allow Orders Without Contract
    • Define Renewal Type:
      • Renewal Without Contract
      • Renewal With Contract
      • Cancel
    • Toggle Availability Of Cancellation Request
  • Client Area

    • Choose Contract Length During Order
    • View Contract Content Before Accepting It
    • Sign Contract Using Configured Signature Type
    • View Details Of All Signed Contracts
    • View History Of Any Signed Contract
    • Receive Contract Email Notification Upon Order Creation
  • General Info

    • Multi-Language Support With Custom Translations Tool
    • Supports PHP 8.2 Back To PHP V8.1
    • Supports WHMCS Themes "Six", "Twenty-One" And "Lagom WHMCS Client Theme"
    • Supports WHMCS V8.11 Back To WHMCS V8.8
    • Requires ionCube Loader V13 Or Later
    • Easy Module Upgrade To Open Source Version
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Released: Sep 11th, 2024
New Feature
  • New Feature: Introduced "Access Control" tool that allows administrators to manage staff access to specific module sections, functionalities, and actions
Bug Fix
  • Minor code corrections and other improvements


Released: Sep 5th, 2024
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.11 support
  • Support for PHP 8.2 version
  • Maintenance update and stability optimizations
  • Requires ionCube Loader V13 or later
Bug Fix
  • Using the "View as Client" option for invoices in the admin area will no longer cause an exception error - case #285
  • Fixed a rare type error that could have occurred on product orders due to specific .htaccess rules - case #286


Released: May 29th, 2024
New Feature
  • Stable release
    Note: Please follow the update instructions to migrate data from the previous module version without errors.
  • Improved display of the field with an uploaded signed contract
  • Adjusted HTML editor styles for contracts preview in the client area
  • Contract history will include the first sign date of the contract
  • Restored "Radio-Button" option for the contract length field type
  • Added more information in the client and service search fields when creating a contract in the admin area
  • Added "{acceptUrl}" merge field variables containing plain URLs for sign contract notifications
  • Added "Cron Guide" for easier setup in the module utilities configuration
  • Added support for numerous merge field variables for contract content
  • Added assorted field validations for specific configurations
  • Revised names and content of the module email templates
  • Support for Smarty conditions within contract content - case #224
  • Maintenance update and stability optimizations
  • Many other UI, language, tooltips and notifications adjustments
  • Support for WHMCS V8.7 and previous
  • Renamed "Adobe Sign" to "Adobe Acrobat Sign"
Bug Fix
  • Solved issue where clients were unable to order a service without a contract
  • Eliminated exception error that could occur when attempting to cancel and delete orders - case #202
  • Resolved problem where the log times did not accurately correspond with the current server's time zone
  • Solved issue where email messages from Adobe Acrobat Sign were not received when requesting contract signing - case #233
  • Added missing support for multi-language email templates sent through the module - case #172
  • Fixed migration issues with the configured sign types from the previous module version - case #205
  • Minor adjustments related to closing the date-picker modal
  • Contact "Ending Date" should now be properly updated after changing the contract "Length"
  • Corrected issue where discounted prices for contract signing were not properly refreshed when changing the product billing cycle
  • Fixed support for Cyrillic letters in Smarty functions for contract content - case #229
  • Adjusted placement of contract sign field on the "Lagom WHMCS Client Theme" - case #230
  • Client custom field will now be properly displayed in the contract content when using merge field variables - case #252
  • Corrected sorting by date in the contract history table
  • Adjusted calculations for current and estimated yearly revenue on the dashboard summary
  • Added support for saving more "Related Item" types in the "Log" entries
  • Other code corrections and framework adjustment


Released: Apr 18th, 2024 BETA
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.10 support
  • Rebuilt and rewritten client and admin area user interface with a brand-new look and framework code
    Note: It is recommended to deactivate the old addon module and delete its files before upgrading to avoid conflicts - your existing data will be migrated to the new version of the module after its activation; remember to set up the provider configurations once again due to redirect URI and API storage changes
  • Integration with "SignNow" provider
  • Integration with "Dropbox Sign" provider
  • Implemented easy-to-use "Translations" tool that allows customization of the module language files directly from the addon
  • Select the log types to be recorded and automatically delete them after the specified number of days
  • Assorted UI and language adjustments
  • Introduced new merge field variables available for contract content
  • Support for WHMCS V8.6 and previous
  • Support for PHP 7.4 version
Bug Fix
  • Corrected problems with specific merge field variables - case #116
  • Many code corrections and other improvements


Released: Jan 16th, 2024
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.9 support
Bug Fix
  • Fixed issue with the "The UserID does not have a valid membership in this Account" error that could occur after accepting a contract with DocuSign integration - case #347


Released: Nov 29th, 2023
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.8 support
  • Add signed contracts with flexible durations and amounts, without the need to assign them to any services - case #344, #350
  • Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
Bug Fix
  • Dynamic update of the total cart amount will now be correctly performed when selecting the contract length affecting the price - case #337
  • Eliminated case where trying to manually add a contract to a product without an assigned order could lead to a fatal error - case #310
  • Other minor code corrections


Released: Apr 19th, 2023
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.7 support
  • Added OAuth V2.0 support for DocuSign - case #225
  • Support for WHMCS V8.3 and previous
  • Support for PHP 7.3 version
  • OAuth V1.x support for DocuSign since it is no longer used
Bug Fix
  • Solved problems with missing signatures on contracts accepted via the admin area upload or order
  • Fixed operation of the contract "Cancellation Prohibited" option - case #332
  • Corrected integration with the "Lagom WHMCS Client Theme"
  • Other minor code corrections and improvements


Released: Dec 7th, 2022
Bug Fix
  • Resolved problem with ordering a service without a contract template created - case #307
  • Eliminated "ParseError: syntax error, unexpected 'default' (T_DEFAULT)" error that might have occurred in the checkout - case #305
  • Fixed issue that might have prevented the non-logged in clients from completing the order - case #312
  • Other minor code corrections


Released: Sep 29th, 2022
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.5 and V8.6 support
  • Support for PHP 8.1 version
  • Upload contracts directly from the admin area for selected clients and related services - case #228
  • After submitting a new order from the admin area, an email with a link to view and accept the contract will be sent to the client - case #196
  • Choose whether to display the contract length options in the form of a dropdown menu or radio buttons - case #147
  • Provide the exact position of the signature, using X/Y coordinates and the page number on the DocuSign agreement
  • Add notes to the signed contracts in the admin area
  • Added support for Lagom WHMCS Client Theme 2.X
  • Added support for "text area", "text box" and "password" client custom fields on agreements - case #157
  • Added support for "Tax ID" of available contract client merge fields - case #137
  • Added notification that all fields must be filled in, before the client can accept the contract - case #134
  • Adjusted integration codes to improve compatibility with the order form templates
  • Requires ionCube Loader V12 or later
  • The module name changed to "Recurring Contract Billing For WHMCS"
  • Support for WHMCS V8.2 and previous
Bug Fix
  • Fixed SQL error that might have occurred when trying to set a contract for services with free or one-time billing cycle - case #193
  • Adjusted notifications window and upload contract file button displayed in the client area
  • Resolved problem where some of the filled out client fields were not correctly passed to contract for not-logged-in clients
  • Corrected calculation of the total contract price when a discounted amount is provided
  • Fixed missing client language for merge fields used in contract
  • Other code corrections, UI, and language improvements


Released: Mar 16th, 2022
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.3 and V8.4 support
  • Reduced module size by removing redundant mPDF library fonts that were not used by the module
  • Support for WHMCS V8.0 and previous
Bug Fix
  • Minor button adjustments related to "Twenty-One" theme
  • Eliminated problem with inability to authorize Adobe Sign access due to "use_oauth_v2_apis" error - case #219


Released: Aug 9th, 2021
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.2 support
  • Support for WHMCS V7.10 and previous
Bug Fix
  • "Accept contract terms" checkbox will no longer look like disabled when using Lagom theme


Released: May 13th, 2021
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.1 and "Twenty-One" theme support
  • "DocuSign Phrase" configuration - provide a phrase located in the document that will be then used to place a customer's signature below - case #178, #186
  • Added "URL Shard" field for Adobe Sign configuration that allows using other than the "eu1" server locations - case #202
  • Added support for "{$contract.current_date} merge field variable for contract content details - case #198
  • Support for WHMCS V7.9 and previous
  • Support for PHP 7.1 version
Bug Fix
  • Created PDF formatting will be now properly exported through API to the AdobeSign and DocuSign platforms - case #176
  • Resolved problem where contract merge field variables could have been incorrectly displayed in the generated document based on the latest added configuration instead of the actual one chosen by a client - case #182
  • Fixed missing Redirect URI for DocuSign configuration - case #200
  • Resolved problems with redirections to DocuSign and AdobeSign authentication servers - case #201
  • Minor adjustments to viewing contract details - case #203
  • Other code corrections


Released: Nov 19th, 2020
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.0 and PHP 7.4 support
  • Adjusted provided integration code to match the latest WHMCS releases - case #171
  • Support for WHMCS V7.8 and previous
  • Support for PHP 7.0 and previous
Bug Fix
  • "My Contracts" menu in the client area will no longer be available for not logged in users - case #163
  • Disabled DocuSign certificates verification due to returned API call errors - case #169


Released: Jun 4th, 2020
  • Support for WHMCS V7.7 and previous
Bug Fix
  • Resolved integration issue with DocuSign when accepting the contract - case #158
  • Corrected compatibility with "Control Theme" - case #159


Released: Apr 2nd, 2020
New Feature
  • WHMCS V7.10 support
  • Added support for the product setup fee ($setup_fee) merge field variable for the contract content template - case #150
Bug Fix
  • Corrected issue with SQL error that might have occurred when the unregistered client wanted to view a contract - case #149
  • Resolved problem with the lack of data submitted from client custom fields when the unregistered client tried to order a new package and accept a contract - case #151
  • Solved issue with redirection from DocuSign eSignature configuration if WHMCS admin folder was moved to the custom path - case #154


Released: Dec 19th, 2019
New Feature
  • WHMCS V7.9 support
  • Client custom fields can be now used as the available merge fields variables when creating contract content - case #146
  • Support for WHMCS V7.6 and previous
Bug Fix
  • Resolved issue when after editing a contract, its time of "Signing Date" might have been reset to 00:00:00
  • Corrected language record for the "View PDF" button in the "Contract History" section
  • Minor security corrections


Released: Nov 18th, 2019
  • Added ability to change the default "doc" contact's PDF file name in a language file - case #140
  • The "year" and "years" records can be now translated separately
  • Header and footer from PDF files
  • Support for WHMCS V7.5 and previous
Bug Fix
  • The penalty will be charged properly basing on the invoice due date not as previously on the invoice date
  • Resolved issues with a callback URL used for Adobe Sign and DocuSign authentication


Released: Mar 25th, 2019
  • Support for WHMCS V7.4 and previous
Bug Fix
  • Resolved issue with accessing "Dashboard" section after manually changing the billing cycle to free of a product/service displayed in the recently signed contracts section - case #116


Released: Feb 28th, 2019
New Feature
  • WHMCS V7.7 and PHP 7.3 support
  • Support for WHMCS V7.3 and previous


Released: Oct 19th, 2018
Bug Fix
  • Corrected generation of PDF files that were displayed in the landscape mode instead of portrait - case #130
  • Resolved authorization issues with Adobe Sign


Released: Apr 24th, 2018
New Feature
  • WHMCS V7.5 support
  • PHP 7.1 and 7.2 support


Released: Oct 5th, 2017
New Feature
  • Choose the contract's signature type: the checkbox tick, file upload, Adobe Sign or DocuSign solutions
  • Define the number of days before the contract expiration during which it can be cancelled without penalty
  • Language file now supports plural suffixes related to time intervals (as in Spanish)
  • Many assorted UI and language adjustments
  • Navigation bar integration code for header.tpl file - it is now automatically handled by the module
Bug Fix
  • Resolved issue with expanding the menus in the module tab in the client area
  • Corrected revenue calculation in the dashboard statistics
  • Surmounted minor issues occurring on deletion of contracts
  • Assorted code corrections


Released: Jun 8th, 2017
New Feature
  • WHMCS V7.2 support


Released: Oct 28th, 2016
New Feature
  • PHP 7 support


Released: Oct 14th, 2016
New Feature
  • WHMCS V7 support
Bug Fix
  • Validate if client exists when accepting contract via 'standard' cart


Released: Aug 17th, 2016
  • Compatibility with client area templates custom modifications


Released: Jul 12th, 2016
Bug Fix
  • Handle service cancellation request


Released: May 11th, 2016
New Feature
  • Toggle availability of 'Cancellation Request'
  • Define contract renewal type: renew with or without contract or terminate it
  • Define contract content in multiple languages
  • Send email with information about renewal possibility - depending on renewal type
  • Display statistics in multiple currencies


Released: Nov 25th, 2015
  • Stable Release
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  • 4 years ago
    Having trialled this module extensively before purchasing, it has proven to be a very useful module, making up for a shortfall in WHMCS’s default capabilities. The need to obtain signed contracts before provisioning services is vital for many hosting businesses, especially for our as we move into facilitating other services that require a minimum-term commitment. Currently, WHMCS does not support anyway of tying-in customers into a contractual period before provisioning services. With this module, we have been able to get signed contracts from our clients before services are automatically provisioned – allowing us to provide different levels of discount off their monthly charge, based on how long they have committed to in their contract. Cannot recommend this enough.
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See Also

Payment Gateway Charges For WHMCS Icon
Payment Gateway Charges

Payment Gateway Charges For WHMCS

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Include extra fees and discounts for the usage of a given payment gateway, define application conditions, select chargeable products and clients exempt from discounts.

Product Free Trial Manager For WHMCS Icon
Product Free Trial Manager

Product Free Trial Manager For WHMCS

Chosen by 171 customers

Add to your offer free trials of your products, manage their details and accessibility per customer or product, and send customized emails to remind about upcoming payment.

Hosting Renewals For WHMCS Icon
Hosting Renewals

Hosting Renewals For WHMCS

Chosen by 455 customers

Permit your clients to handle billing cycles, recurring payments and renewals of hosting services, while you set up discounts and send personalized renewal notifications.

Geolocation Hook For WHMCS Icon
Geolocation Hook

Geolocation Hook For WHMCS

Chosen by 7089 customers

Perform an automatic switch of language, currency and the template of your WHMCS client area depending on the location of your customer.
