
Hosting Renewals For WHMCS is an extraordinarily useful module that will empower your clients to handle billing cycles and recurring payments in aspects never before manageable. In essence, they will be allowed to toggle automatic renewals, but also renew services before the due date as well as freely alter the billing cycle of any owned product.

With but a few clicks, you will perform every key action on as many products at once as needed. The module will allow you to select available billing cycles, and combine them with specified discounts to be applied in the process of a cycle switch or upon an early payment. Additionally, each product can be assigned a different time limit for the renewal duration. You will also get to decide whether a domain and addons should be renewed along with the service they belong to, or even force the execution of such operations when required. Last but not least, you will be able to compose and send customized email notifications to remind your clients about any upcoming renewals.

It is due to the superior quality of Hosting Renewals For WHMCS that your customers will be offered freedom of choice so extensive that renewing web hosting services will become both a breeze and a blast. Invest in the module today, and give the term „business flexibility” a completely new meaning!


  • Client Area

    • Renew Services Before Due Date
    • Renew Domain And Addons Along With Service
    • Toggle Auto Renewals
    • Change Billing Cycle And View Discounted Price Difference
    • Apply Early Payment Discounts To Renewal Invoices
  • Admin Area

    • Renew Services Before Due Date
    • Renew Domain And Addons Along With Service
    • Toggle Auto Renewals For Service
    • Choose Available Billing Cycles
    • Configure Client Area Features
    • Define Discounts Applied Upon:
      • Change Of Billing Cycle
      • Renewal Invoice Early Payment
    • Choose Between Two Discount Types - One Time And Recurring
    • Define Validity Time Of Early Payment Discount
    • Show Discount Details As Separate Invoice Items
    • Toggle Renewal On/Off Status Notifications
    • Toggle And Force Domain Renewal Along With Service
    • Toggle And Force Addons Renewal Along With Service
    • Toggle Upfront Renewal
    • Toggle Application Of Recurring Amount From Service Settings
    • Disable Auto Renewal For New Services
    • Define Maximum Renewal Time Limit
    • Automatically Switch Billing Cycle Before Defined Number Of Days To Due Date
    • Send Email Reminders About Upcoming Or Missed Renewals
    • Define Multiple Templates For Email Reminders
    • Perform Bulk Changes On Multiple Services:
      • Change Settings
      • Add Payment Reminders
      • Toggle Auto Renewal
      • Toggle Discounts Status
      • Delete Discounts
    • Customize Module Language Files With "Translations" Tool
    • Control Staff Access Level To Specific Resources
    • View And Manage Logs
  • General Info

    • Multi-Language Support With Custom Translations Tool
    • Supports PHP 8.1
    • Supports WHMCS Themes "Six", "Twenty-One" And "Lagom WHMCS Client Theme"
    • Supports WHMCS V8.10 Back To WHMCS V8.8
    • Requires ionCube Loader V12 Or Later
    • Easy Module Upgrade To Open Source Version
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Released: Jul 16th, 2024
  • Updated framework core code
  • Maintenance update and stability optimizations
  • Support for WHMCS V8.7 and previous
  • Support for PHP 7.4 version
Bug Fix
  • Addressed problems where some of the product settings might not accurately reflect the toggle status in the client area
  • Adjusted namespace in Composer's "autoload_psr4.php" and "autoload_static.php" files
  • Other minor code corrections


Released: Mar 6th, 2024
New Feature
  • Introduced "Access Control" tool that allows administrators to manage staff access to specific module sections, functionalities, and actions
  • The product list will no longer include data on services with non-recurring pricing
Bug Fix
  • Eliminated "Call to undefined method" error that could occur during execution of the "EmailReminders" cron job - case #388
  • Fixed issue that might have caused the "implode(): Argument 2 ($array) must be of type ?array" error when executing the WHMCS daily cron job - case #389
  • Resolved issue where reminders with disabled status were incorrectly set to enabled upon creation
  • Resolved several issues with performing renewal actions and changing billing cycles if one of the related items had recurring prices set to "0.00"
  • Eliminated several errors generated in the "tblerrolog" database table
  • Assorted UI adjustments and field validation related to the module framework update
  • Other minor code and language corrections


Released: Jan 18th, 2024
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.9 support
  • Option to export logs into a CSV file
Bug Fix
  • Resolved problem where renewal buttons were not displaying for the cPanel Extended For WHMCS module - case #367
  • Fixed broken integration with the Vultr VPS For WHMCS module - case #369
  • Additional corrections related to compatibility with Plesk Extended For WHMCS, DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCS and Proxmox VE VPS For WHMCS modules
  • Eliminated "Mixed Content" errors that could be displayed for specific $_SERVER headers - case #368
  • Solved issue where renewal buttons were displayed, even when their integration was disabled for a specific product - case #371
  • Decreased size of loaded specific JavaScript assets - case #378
  • Corrected compatibility with the Lagom WHMCS Client Theme - case #372
  • Solved case where the discount for service renewal could be incorrectly calculated - case #299
  • Fixed "TypeError: Unsupported operand types: float" that could appear when trying to renew a service - case #299
  • Corrected query code used in the "AfterInvoicingGenerateInvoiceItems" hook to prevent potential slowdowns - case #383
  • Other minor code corrections


Released: Nov 22nd, 2023
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.8 support
  • Implemented easy-to-use "Translations" tool that allows customization of the module language files directly from the addon
  • Select the log types to be recorded and automatically delete them after the specified number of days
  • Decide whether to display information on the automatic renewal status in the client area
  • Refactored framework code to ensure better compatibility with other modules and to facilitate future improvements
    Note: We recommend deleting the old module files before upgrading to remove several obsolete files
  • Assorted adjustments related to various user interface elements and responsive design
  • Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
  • Support for PHP 7.3 version
Bug Fix
  • Resolved various compatibility issues with modules, such as Proxmox VE VPS For WHMCS, Proxmox VE Cloud VPS For WHMCS, and others - case #265
  • Fixed various PHP errors that could occur when running the cron job or trying to perform the upgrade/downgrade on PHP 8.1 - case #283, #289, #300
  • Product renewal time limit will now be properly taken into account when the upfront renewal is allowed - case #297
  • Forcing product domain and addon renewals will now properly calculate related prices on the invoice - case #365
  • Solved problem where the renewal price was cut by the decimal amounts for specific currency format - case #281
  • The module will no longer block the renewal option if there exists a canceled invoice for the product upgrade - case #292
  • Eliminated specific security issue - case #285
  • Many other code corrections, language and UI adjustments


Released: Sep 14th, 2022
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.5 and V8.6 support
  • Support for PHP 8.1 version
  • Early Payment Discounts - define the time frame when the early payment discount will be applicable to products before their renewal invoice due date
  • Option to show discounts as separate items on the invoice
  • You can now provide a negative value for the number of days to change the billing cycle after the invoice due date
  • Added support for Lagom WHMCS Client Theme 2.X
  • Requires ionCube Loader V12 or later
  • Support for WHMCS V8.2 and previous
Bug Fix
  • Fixed problem with the renewal buttons not being displayed with the "semi-annually" billing cycle - case #264
  • Corrected issue with the space layout formatting of the email notifications - case #254
  • Other minor code corrections, UI, and language adjustments


Released: Oct 29th, 2021
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.3 support
  • Support for WHMCS V7.10 and previous
Bug Fix
  • Eliminated error in cron that might have occurred if auto-switching billing cycle values were set as "NULL" in the database - case #232
  • Other minor code corrections


Released: Jul 12th, 2021
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.2 support
  • Enable automatic billing cycle change for certain products a specified number of days before the due date of the service's current billing cycle - case #228
  • Support for WHMCS V7.9 and previous
  • Support for PHP 7.1 version
Bug Fix
  • Fixed problem with displaying renewals buttons in the client area if the "Lagom" theme with the "cPanel" details template ware used together - case #230


Released: Feb 15th, 2021
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.1 and "Twenty-One" theme support
Bug Fix
  • Adjusted "Auto Renewal Status" label that might have been incorrectly displayed on certain WHMCS "Six"-based themes - case #205
  • Prevented "whmcs_no_results" error in the browser's console on the products view, in the admin area, that might have caused problems with disappearing WHMCS global search - case #207
  • Clicking cursor outside "Change Billing Cycle" window will no longer close it, which resolves certain issues with selecting records from dropdown - case #208
  • Renew and changing billing cycle action will be now blocked if there are unpaid invoices for the service upgrade - case #214
  • Resolved problem with "503 (Service Unavailable)" errors that might have occurred on certain WHMCS instances - case #216
  • Adjusted certain cases where still invalid "Next Due Date" might have been used for charging calculations - case #213
  • Eliminated certain security issues
  • Other minor code corrections


Released: Sep 11th, 2020
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.0 and PHP 7.4 support
  • Support for PHP 7.0 and previous
  • Support for WHMCS V7.8 and previous
Bug Fix
  • Fixed problem with incorrectly canceled invoices in the case when the billing cycle was changed but the payment for the invoice was not yet received - case #183
  • Resolved issue that might have prevented the "Renew" button from working in the client area - case #187
  • Solved case where invoices might have been still incorrectly generated after turning off the auto-renewal option for the hosting that had the recurring promo code assigned - case #188
  • Corrected displaying the "new next due date" when renewing the service - case #200
  • Fixed problems with using WHMCS global search when the page with content from the module was loaded - case #204


Released: Apr 29th, 2020
New Feature
  • WHMCS V7.10 support
  • The way how module handles invoices and due dates
  • Support for WHMCS V7.7 and previous
Bug Fix
  • Corrected JavaScript error that might have occurred in browser's developer console when changing the billing cycle in the client area - case #173


Released: Jan 23rd, 2020
New Feature
  • WHMCS V7.9 support
  • Support for WHMCS V7.6 and previous
Bug Fix
  • The "Billing Cycle" field will be now properly reloaded depending on the selected "New Product /Service" when using the WHMCS Upgrade/Downgrade functionality - case #154
  • Added missing "Auto Renewal" status changes into logs - case #162
  • Resolved problem that could have caused unwanted changes to the service's "Next Due Date" after invoice payment - case #164
  • Fixed problem with displaying module's button in the client area when using Lagom theme integration - case #165
  • Custom parameters of successfully sent reminders will be now logged properly - case #168


Released: Jul 23rd, 2019
  • Adjusted module's look on other products with cPanel-like panel templates - case #145
Bug Fix
  • Resolved compatibility issues with other modules
  • Fixed fatal error that might have occurred when marking the invoice as paid for a service that was previously deleted from the client account - case #146
  • Adjusted display of the product name in the client area
  • Eliminated risk of a wrong service's invoice being cancelled if the client's hosting and domain IDs are the same
  • "Disable Services Auto Renewal" button should no longer affect the next due date change
  • Solved issues with email reminders caused by database problems
  • The auto-renewal status will no longer be always displayed as "On" if the option to change it is disabled for the client


Released: Apr 24th, 2019
New Feature
  • Restored option to renew services and change their auto-renewal status directly from the admin area
  • "Renew Service" and "Change Billing Cycle" popup windows have been rebuilt to look more appealing
  • The tax field will now display the actual tax names and their percentage rates
  • Added icons to the renewal buttons
  • Added "Delete All Logs" button in the addon module
  • Minor UI adjustments
Bug Fix
  • Slight fixes in the tax calculation
  • Other code tweak-ups and corrections


Released: Apr 8th, 2019
  • Support for WHMCS V7.4 and previous
Bug Fix
  • Module's language will now be correctly selected based on the default language settings in WHMCS
  • Fixed problem related to the detection of AJAX output buffering, that might have caused troubles with handling dynamically returned data
  • Corrected compatibility issues with other modules that may have been caused by a module's hook


Released: Mar 4th, 2019
New Feature
  • PHP 7.3 support
  • Support for WHMCS V7.3 and previous
Bug Fix
  • Reminders will not be sent anymore if a cancellation request has been placed
  • Corrected compatibility with PHP 5.6


Released: Jan 9th, 2019
New Feature
  • Set a limit on the maximum renewal time not to let the customer prepay the product for longer than the defined number of months
  • Added support for email template "{$auto_renew}" merge field variable which returns the current status of the renewal (on or off)
  • You can now enter a negative value in the reminder's period field to send notifications e.g. after the product expiration but before it is terminated - case #35
  • Use mass actions to enable and disable discounts or delete them in bulk
  • Added notification about an existing unpaid invoice for a service when the customer is trying to renew that service or change its billing cycle
  • Added sorting by "Template", "Status" and "Period" columns in the Reminders section
  • The renewal window for a fixed period will now contain the name of a service and the renewal time range
  • Optimized module memory usage
Bug Fix
  • The rows of "duedate" will no longer be set to NULL in the "tblinvoiceitems" table in the database - case #41
  • The invoices created by the module will now be visible in the built-in WHMCS System Activity Log as they should - case #52
  • Renewing a service with assigned addons will no longer force to renew them if they are no longer active - case #47
  • The format of the currency in the renewal window will be now properly displayed based on the WHMCS settings - case #48
  • Resolved issue of the next due date of the renewed service being wrongly set based on its previous invoice instead of the current one - case #49
  • Corrected service auto-renewal status that might not be properly displayed on certain templates
  • In case the discount reduces the payment amount to zero, the invoice that cannot be paid will no longer be generated
  • Assorted code tweak-ups as well as language and UI adjustments


Released: Oct 26th, 2018
  • Optimized process of generating a single invoice which will no longer involve all the module resources
  • The "Change Billing Cycle" popup will now display domains with the "Active", "Grace", "Redemption" or "Expired" status only
Bug Fix
  • The date format on a generated invoice will now match the date format set in WHMCS general settings


Released: Jul 30th, 2018
Bug Fix
  • Reduced number of SQL queries to the database by optimizing the billing pricing calculation when entering the service view
  • Eliminated 'ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function (...)' error that might occur on PHP 7.2 - case #32
  • Resolved problems with performing automatic suspend or terminate actions by cron after the service due date passes - case #33
  • Solved issue with 'Generate Awaiting Invoices' option that might still generate new invoices even when auto renewal has been disabled


Released: Jun 11th, 2018
Bug Fix
  • The database encoding format will be now obtained from WHMCS instead of using default UTF-8 encoding (for new module installations only)
  • Solved problem with relations set in the database that might have caused reminders to be sent twice or not sent at all


Released: Apr 27th, 2018
Bug Fix
  • Resolved issue which could have caused the same reminder to be sent twice


Released: Apr 20th, 2018
New Feature
  • 'Allow Immediate Cancellation Requests' option
Bug Fix
  • Prevent reminders from being sent for services that are already canceled


Released: Apr 17th, 2018
New Feature
  • WHMCS V7.5 support
  • PHP 7.1 and 7.2 support


Released: Mar 1st, 2018
Bug Fix
  • Resolved problem with invoice generation by the module even if the WHMCS 'Continuous Invoice Generation' option is disabled
  • Fixed issue with the recurring amount being incorrectly increased appearing when the product's configurable options are included


Released: Feb 6th, 2018
Bug Fix
  • Assorted corrections related to prices and tax calculations
  • Solved issue with the faulty 'Disable Auto Renewal Reminders' setting
  • Corrected behavior of reminders from the cron executions
  • Resolved problem rendering product settings not being fully saved
  • Prevent invoices from being automatically generated by the module when this option is disabled in WHMCS
  • Fixed conditions for canceled invoices
  • Prices displayed in the cart now match the prices on the invoice
  • Added missing language entries from the client area
  • Minor corrections to the admin area user interface


Released: Dec 22nd, 2017
  • Completely rewritten code
  • Rebuilt addon module user interface
  • The number of created reminders is no longer limited
  • The application of the integration code is no longer required
  • Assorted language adjustments
New Feature
  • Bulk actions for changing product settings and reminders
  • Toggle the renewal of a domain and addons upon the service's renewal
  • Force the renewal of a domain and addons upon the service's renewal
  • Toggle the application of a custom recurring amount set in the service settings
  • Choose whether clients can change a billing cycle when an unpaid invoice exists
  • Option to toggle the auto renewal for all client's services at once
  • Option to choose a method of displaying prices in the client area
  • Detailed configuration of rules for changing billing cycles
  • Client is now moved to the invoice immediately after renewal


Released: Jun 5th, 2017
New Feature
  • WHMCS V7.2 support
  • Renewal invoices support for currency format defined in WHMCS settings
Bug Fix
  • Corrected renewal relations after product upgrade
  • Adjusted pricing display in configurable options in the client area
  • Resolved problem with missing taxes on renewal invoices


Released: Nov 10th, 2016
New Feature
  • PHP 7 support
  • Multi-language support - use 'english' if chosen language has not been found
Bug Fix
  • Resolved jQuery conflict - use 'jQuery' instead of '$'


Released: Oct 10th, 2016
New Feature
  • WHMCS V7 support
Bug Fix
  • Minor code refinements


Released: Sep 13th, 2016
  • New variable 'hosting_auto_renew' available for email templates
  • Change: Prices are displayed in the same format as in WHMCS


Released: Jun 1st, 2016
New Feature
  • Display price difference while changing product billing cycle
  • Define format in which billing cycle price difference should be displayed
  • Support for 'Only Auto Provision for Existing' WHMCS option
  • Support for 'No Invoice Email on Order' WHMCS option
  • Core optimization
  • User interface refinements
Bug Fix
  • Renew related items - renew domain upon hosting renewal
  • Create invoice - set correct dates
  • Send each notification one a day
  • Set auto renewal to off automatically


Released: Jan 27th, 2016
  • Multi-language
  • Automatic renewal of recurring product with price set to 0
Bug Fix
  • Handling canceled invoices
  • Minor tweaks & UI improvements


Released: Oct 7th, 2015
Bug Fix
  • Security fixes


Released: Sep 25th, 2015
New Feature
  • WHMCS V6 support


Released: Dec 15th, 2014
  • Minor UI improvements


Released: Oct 9th, 2014
  • Bug Fixed: Repeatable bulk autorenewal on/off actions


Released: Aug 29th, 2014
  • Improved security and license validation


Released: Jun 20th, 2014
New Feature
  • Decide whether client should be moved to the invoice immediately after renew
  • Discount is added to the invoice as an item


Released: Jun 11th, 2014
New Feature
  • Apply discount automatically while switching from one billing cycle to another
  • Renew domain along with a product
  • Minor improvements and bug fixes


Released: Mar 12th, 2014
New Feature
  • Billing cycle changeable from the client area
  • Configuration of the client area features per product
  • Setting up a billing cycle that can be changed from the client area
  • Automatic disable auto renewal for new products
  • Disable/enable auto renewal for all instances of product using one button
  • Multiple email templates for email notification
  • Logs
Bug Fix
  • Multi-language support
  • Status field on renewal page


Released: Dec 4th, 2013
  • Stable Release
Read More


  • 2 years ago
    Perfect solution for auto renewals! This module greatly increases the likelihood of our customers renewing their subscriptions to our services. The Change Billing Cycle feature is also very helpful and saved our time on tickets. Recommended!
  • 3 years ago
    Based on the module log, we have avoided 437 billing support tickets in less than 6 months. This is a massive achievement in the way a module can function. Thank you for a creating something remarkable.
  • 3 years ago
    Very good solution for letting more flexibility to your clients about their serivces renewal, and for reminding them about upcoming expirations. The support is really reactive and competent, they gave me quickly the best solutions about problems and bugs I've encountered. I recommand this brand with no hesitations !
  • 3 years ago
    Great Module, you can customise the module you like and its easy to use!
  • 3 years ago
    We have tested this module for over 1 month and never had any issues. We are going to purchase it. Recommended.
  • 3 years ago
    Great and useful addon for hosting power users. Helps to automate service renewal features that otherwise would be too time counsuming.
    Integrates flawlesly into whmcs.
  • 3 years ago
    I bought the Hosting Renewals For WHMCS module yesterday and I have to say that I am very surprised by the features and everything worked directly.

    As well as the design is super done.
  • 5 years ago
    This is a great addon that cut down my customer tickets from a suspended domain. The addon allows customers to enroll in autopay and able to change their billing date from the parameters you set, therefore, reducing the need for a support ticket. Great and a must-have-to keep your hosting business running smooth. Not to mention customer support goes above and beyond!
Read More

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