
DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCS introduces automation into provisioning of web hosting accounts and enables their fully remote management at the same time. Your customers will be spared the hassle of leaving your website, as every most commonly used DirectAdmin feature will be accessible in the WHMCS client area.

The module will optimize all supervisory tasks over FTP accounts, files, databases, email accounts, backups, domains, DNS records and other fundamental components. It also supports Let's Encrypt, allowing your customers to obtain basic SSL certificates with a simple click. Additionally, thanks to inbuilt Softaculous and Installatron application installers, they will be free to add, edit, delete, backup and restore hundreds of different web applications.

You will be offered an opportunity to sell accounts as ready products with particular resource limits, and determine whether they shall be suspended instantly upon reaching the allowed usage of bandwidth. Moreover, you will be able to automatically assign a dedicated IP address, set a reseller IP address, as well as choose exactly what tools your customers are permitted to use. As a bonus advantage, you can integrate the module with WordPress Manager For WHMCS to spare your clients the bother of leaving the account management panel whenever they need to perform any key action on their WordPress installations.

Let your customers experience the convenience of handling web hosting accounts that borders on magical! Embrace the revolution achieved by DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCS and transform your web hosting business today!


  • Admin Area

    • Create/Suspend/Unsuspend/Terminate Account
    • Change Package And Account Password
    • Log In To Each DirectAdmin Account On Click
    • Log In As Admin To DirectAdmin Panel On Click
    • Automatically Suspend Client Account Upon Reaching Bandwidth Limit
    • Configure Client Area Features Per Product
    • Configure Resource Limits Per Product
    • Define FTP Backups Endpoints Per Product
    • Define Backup Directory Paths Per Product
    • Enable And Configure Application Auto Installer To Use Per Product - Softaculous Or Installatron
    • View All DirectAdmin Extended Products And Servers In One Place
  • Client Area

    • Remote Access And Management Of:
      • Addon Domains, Their Details, PHP Version And Logs
      • Apache Handlers
      • Applications And Their Backups
      • Autoresponders
      • Backups, Remote FTP Backups And Admin Backups
      • Catch All Email
      • Cron Jobs
      • Custom Error Pages
      • Databases And Their Backups
      • DNS Records
      • Domain Pointers And Their DNS Records
      • Email Accounts
      • Email Forwarders
      • File Manager
      • FTP Accounts
      • Git Repositories
      • Hotlinks Protection
      • Mailing Lists
      • MX Records
      • Perl Modules
      • Protected Directories
      • SPAM Filters
      • SSH Keys
      • SSL Certificates
      • Site Redirections
      • Site Summary
      • SpamAssassin Setup
      • Subdomains
      • Unban IP Address
      • Vacation Messages
      • WordPress Manager - Separate Module Required
    • One Click Login To:
      • DirectAdmin
      • phpMyAdmin
      • SitePad
      • Webmail
    • View Account Resource Usage
    • Change Account Password
  • Application Auto Installer

    • Ordering Process:
      • Auto Install Chosen Application After Account Creation
      • Auto Install Application Chosen By Client During Order - With Configurable Options
      • Allow Custom Settings Of Auto Installed Application - With Custom Fields
    • Client Area:
      • Install New Applications With Softaculous Or Installatron
      • View And Manage Installed Applications
      • Backup Installed Applications
      • View And Manage Created Backups
      • Restore Applications From Backups
      • Delete Applications Along With Their Backups
  • Configurable Options

    • Addon Domains
    • Anonymous FTP Accounts
    • Autoresponders
    • Bandwidth
    • CGI Access
    • Catch All Email
    • Cron Jobs
    • DNS Control
    • Dedicated IPv4 Address
    • Dedicated IPv6 Address
    • Disk Space
    • Email Accounts
    • Email Forwarders
    • FTP Accounts
    • Inode Limit
    • Mailing Lists
    • MySQL Databases
    • PHP Access
    • Parked Domains
    • Server IPv4 Address
    • SSH Access
    • SSL Access
    • SpamAssassin
    • Subdomains
    • Suspend At Limit
    • System Information
  • General Info

    • Integrated With Advanced Billing For WHMCS - Actual Server Resource Usage Billing
    • Integrated With IP Manager For WHMCS - Complete Control And Easy Assignment Of IP Subnets
    • Integrated With Server Allocator For WHMCS - Automatic Assignment Of Most Suitable Servers To Products
    • Integrated With WordPress Manager For WHMCS - Remote Installation And Management Of WordPress Instances
    • Fully Integrated With Lagom WHMCS Client Theme
    • Multi-Language Support
    • Supports WHMCS Server Sync Tool
    • Supports WHMCS Metric Billing - Integration: Disk Space, Bandwidth, Email Accounts, Addon Domains, Parked Domains, Subdomains, MySQL Databases, MySQL Disk Usage, Sub-Accounts
    • Supports PHP 8.2 Back To PHP 7.4
    • Supports WHMCS Themes "Six" And "Twenty-One"
    • Supports WHMCS V8.11 Back To WHMCS V8.8
    • Requires DirectAdmin Administrator Account
    • Requires ionCube Loader V13 Or Later
    • Easy Module Upgrade To Open Source Version
Read More



Released: Aug 13th, 2024
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.11 support
  • Support for PHP 8.2 version
  • Requires ionCube Loader V13 or later


Released: Jun 10th, 2024
  • Maintenance update and stability optimizations
  • Support for WHMCS V8.7 and previous
Bug Fix
  • Corrected encoding issue for non-Latin characters in autoresponder and vacation messages - case #622
  • Eliminated problem with installing applications on DirectAdmin servers version 1.661 and later - case #745
  • Fixed "TypeError" that could occur when trying to use WHMCS "Sync Accounts" functionality for DirectAdmin server - case #747
  • Solved issue related to creating databases on DirectAdmin servers version 1.663 and above - case #748
  • Other minor code corrections


Released: Feb 28th, 2024
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.9 support
  • MX Records section - give your clients the possibility to manage MX records of their domains and set them using pre-defined templates - case #718
  • Implemented language overrides support, enabling the utilization of customized translations
  • Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
Bug Fix
  • It will be now possible to create DNS records without specifying the "Name" field - case #725
  • Corrected toggle to allow hiding the "Change Password" section from the client area
  • Eliminated "Undefined constant" error that could occur when attempting to modify mailing list settings
  • Fixed problem causing an empty Softaculous application list when downloaded from the addon module - case #740
  • Other minor code corrections


Released: May 10th, 2023
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.7 support
  • Git Repositories - provide clients with the possibility to create and manage their Git repositories
  • Added explanation tooltip concerning the usage of dots when creating the DNS record names - case #528
  • It is now possible to set up vacation messages within a single-day timeframe
  • Support for WHMCS V8.3 and previous
  • Support for PHP 7.3 version
Bug Fix
  • Let's Encrypt certificate will now work properly for IDN domains - case #688
  • Fixed problem with deleting DNS records when the TXT value contained the "=" character - case #656
  • Resolved problem with editing TXT DNS records that might have caused them to multiply - case #672
  • Corrected invalid parsing of some special HTML characters, such as "&", "<", and ">" for the account passwords - case #684
  • Solved issue with the SSO for "One Click Login" buttons which might not trigger automatic sign-in into chosen panels - case #687
  • A list of available languages for the Installatron applications will be now properly obtained based on the API response - case #690
  • Other minor code corrections and UI improvements


Released: Nov 3rd, 2022
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.6 support
  • Support for PHP 8.1 version
  • Requires ionCube Loader V12 or later
  • Support for WHMCS V8.2 and previous
  • Support for PHP 7.2 version
Bug Fix
  • Other minor code corrections


Released: Sep 8th, 2022
New Feature
  • Clients can now manage DNS records of domain pointers - case #598
  • Clients can now restore DNS records to their default configuration - case #592
  • Clients can now paste their CA (Certificate Authority) root SSL certificate - case #328
  • Configure the product to let resellers create sites with the server IP address
  • Define the number of IP addresses assigned to a reseller for a product configuration
  • Added option to edit the "Custom Send Limit" for email accounts
  • Added empty fields validation for "Custom Threshold" in the SpamAssassin setup
  • Added special characters validation used in the spam filter values
  • Added email address validation form in the SpamAssassin email blacklist and whitelist
  • Added minimum password length validation for email accounts creation
  • Added URL validation of destination address field for adding site redirection
  • Added integer numbers validation for specific mailing list settings
  • Blocked possibility to provide the same email addresses on the blacklist and whitelist in the SpamAssassin setup
  • Depreciated "View" option for previewing custom error pages
Bug Fix
  • Resolved problem with disappearing dedicated IPv6 address option in the module settings when switching between packages configurations
  • Fixed issue with providing multiple email addresses separated by the comma for the destination field when creating an email forwarder
  • Fixed problem with saving only the first line of the "List Information", "Taboo Body", "Taboo Headers", "Message Footer", "Message Fronter" and "Message Headers" for mailing list settings
  • "Email Address" field will now be only displayed for the related forward address option when editing the catch-all email setting
  • Fixed problem where the "Pointer WWW Redirect" option was always shown as disabled when editing the addon domain settings
  • Creating backups with the same FTP Endpoint and directories will be now properly blocked
  • Resolved cases when editing the mail list settings in the "Basic" tab was not possible
  • Added missing support of "Automated Backups and "Backup Rotation" fields for Softaculous application installer - case #511
  • Solved "Invalid URL" error that might have occurred when installing the application by Installatron if the "Secure SSL" option was different than that used by the server - case #620
  • Corrected saving of the"Unsubscribe Policy" options for mailing list settings
  • Set the "Overwrite Existing" flag to "On" for Softaculous to resolve problems with auto-installing application along with account creation - case #637
  • Fixed problem with using the "Change Package" module command for reseller account type
  • Eliminated assorted log entries generated into the "tblerrorlog" table
  • Minor adjustments related to the Lagom WHMCS Client Theme support
  • Other code corrections and UI improvements


Released: May 25th, 2022
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.5 support
  • Support for WHMCS V8.1 and previous
Bug Fix
  • When creating an email account, the "Custom Send Limit" value will be now properly set for the mailbox
  • Corrected configuration of the "Do not block scoring SPAM. Use only threshold" option for SpamAssasin setup
  • Eliminated long notification error that appeared when trying to add a space character into TXT value of a DNS record
  • Fixed doubling DND entries when trying to edit a TXT record type
  • Minor UI adjustments


Released: Apr 13th, 2022
New Feature
  • Allow clients to unban their IP address that has been blocked in the DirectAdmin panel - case #481
  • Configure a product to assign dedicated IPv6 addresses upon the account creation - case #573
  • Clients can now manage user credentials and change the auth name of the protected directories
  • Permit clients to download the Outlook configuration of the email accounts
  • Preview incoming and outgoing SMTP logs of an email account in the client area
  • Added option to mass delete hotlinks protection and protected directories entries
  • Email accounts created by default for each defined domain will be now hidden from the client area - case #525
  • Support for WHMCS V8.0 and previous
Bug Fix
  • Fixed problems with editing and removing DNS records that contained quotation marks - case #520
  • Corrected test connection for provided server credentials - case #516


Released: Jan 21st, 2022
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.4 support
Bug Fix
  • Punycode format will be now properly provided for a created hosting account when IDN domain names are used - case #575


Released: Sep 29th, 2021
New Feature
  • Added support for "tar.zst" files extension listed on the admin backups list along with "tar.gz" - case #565
Bug Fix
  • Fixed "Invalid URL" error that might have occurred when trying to install an application with Installatron - case #549


Released: Aug 12th, 2021
New Feature
  • "Hotlink Protection" - allow clients to prevent their files and website bandwidth from being stolen
  • "Protected Directories" - allow clients to manage the protected with passwords folders
  • Clients may use "File Manager" to protect directories by adding credentials to prevent access by other users
  • Clients will be now able to paste their own authorized SSH keys - case #480
  • A "Dedicated IP" address provided in a specific WHMCS product field will be now used when creating a DirectAdmin account - case #519
  • If both, domain and IP address, are provided in the server configuration, then the single sign-on into the admin panel functionality will firstly use the domain to log in - case #514
Bug Fix
  • Removed displaying unneeded subdomains from generating certificate "Domain" field - case #529
  • Other minor code corrections and improvements


Released: Aug 9th, 2021
  • Support for WHMCS V7.10 and previous
Bug Fix
  • Deleting "TXT" record types from DNS entries will now work properly when the mass action is used - case #518
  • Resolved problem with Installatron application auto-installation after service creation - case #524
  • Fixed issues with displaying servers list and others in the addon module when "case sensitive" parameter was enabled in MySQL - case #531
  • Other slight corrections


Released: Jun 9th, 2021
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.2 support
  • Support for WHMCS V7.9 and previous
  • Support for PHP 7.1 version
Bug Fix
  • Eliminated "Server username is empty" error that might have occurred in product configuration if there were records in the database for non-existent servers in the server group - case #515
  • Assorted corrections related to the product upgrade/downgrade functionality if configurable options were created - case #512
  • Fixed issue that might have prevented obtaining applications list from Softaculous Auto Installer - case #505
  • Corrected auto-login to server functionality from the addon module - case #507, #508 #509
  • Solved problem with generating the "Let's Encrypt" wildcard certificate type - case #506
  • Resolved issue that might have prevented changing the email account password - case #503
  • Cron job path will be now properly displayed in the "Command" column instead of the "Minute" one - case #502
  • "Clone", "Staging", and "Edit" application functionalities will be now only displayed for Softaculous instead of Installatron which does not support these features - case #501
  • Fixed problem where "Let's Encrypt" might not have displayed all owned domains - case #501


Released: Feb 3rd, 2021
New Feature
  • Clients can now clone and create staging instances from applications (Softaculous only)
  • WordPress instances can now be directly accessed using a one-click login button (Softaculous only) - case #468
  • Clients can now edit the application details (Softaculous only) - case #326
  • "Force SSL With HTTPS Redirect" option for addon domain creation and edition - case #455
  • Added possibility to choose subdomains when installing applications - case #420
  • When adding the "Vacation Message", the "Start Date" will be now validated not to exceed the "End Date"
  • Added additional validations of custom characters while creating "Mailing Lists"
  • Domains to choose from in dropdowns will be now sorted alphabetically instead of by last added - case #470
  • Deprecated support for "Horde" and "Squirrelmail" webmail types
Bug Fix
  • Corrected validation of the "Repeat Password" field when editing "Mailing List"
  • Resolved problems with creating MX DNS record with "0" priority value - case #478
  • Other minor UI and code corrections


Released: Jan 19th, 2021
New Feature
  • WHMC V8.1 and "Twenty-One" theme support
Bug Fix
  • Corrected certain problems with PHP 7.4
  • Resolved case that might have prevented loading of the product module settings - case #469
  • Deleting multiple email accounts using mass actions will now work properly - case #472
  • Fixed issue with loading icons for installed applications when Installatron is used - case #474
  • Solved problem that might have caused the "Domain does not belong to you" error when trying to edit DNS records - case #476
  • Resolved problem with redirection to the SitePad website builder - case #477


Released: Oct 21st, 2020
  • PHP "Monolog" library from the module files that was causing compatibility issues with WHMCS V8
Bug Fix
  • Fixed problem with deleting DNS records if their "value" field contained a whitespace character - case #462
  • "Log In To Control Panel" button on the service page in the admin area will now work properly - case #465
  • Resolved problems with the incorrect encoding of "&" character if it was used for changing the email account password - case #463


Released: Aug 21st, 2020
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.0 and PHP 7.4 support
  • Support for PHP 7.0 and previous


Released: Jul 23rd, 2020
Bug Fix
  • Fixed "Base table or view not found" error that might have occurred during the addon module activation - case #425
  • Adjusted validation for changing the password to prevent the "Form Validation Error" message for certain phrases - case #447
  • Resolved problems with performing the "Change Package" module command when switching from one package to another - case #448
  • Corrected Installatron application icons URLs - case #449


Released: Jun 24th, 2020
New Feature
  • "DNS Management" - allows clients to manage their DirectAdmin DNS records directly from the client area - case #327
  • "Catch All Email" - clients can now create a special email address that will catch all improperly addressed messages to their website domain - case #414
  • New Feature:  "Inode Limit" setting for both module settings and configurable options which allows you to prevent users from having too many files and folders in their accounts
  • Errors and usage "Logs" can be now viewed for each of the created subdomains in the client area - case #433
  • Added support for upgrade/downgrade functionality when configurable options are used
  • Added "Wildcard" domains support for Let's Encrypt certificates - case #399
  • Added support for installing applications on domains using "https://" protocol for Installatron auto-installer - case #422
  • If the limit of sent emails is set globally on the server, then the "Unlimited" toggle will be also disabled for email account setup - case #429
  • If the server limit of sent emails is set, its value will be also displayed in the "Sent" tooltip - case #429
  • "Clean Install" option for the site content will be now chosen by default while adding a new application using Installatron auto-installer - case #423
  • Changing passwords for email accounts will be now performed from a separate window - case 426
  • Support for WHMCS V7.7 and previous
Bug Fix
  • Fixed issues with translating "Email", "Word", "Size", "Domain" and "Unlimited" sentences through the language file - case #419
  • Solved case that might have caused the "Delete" icon being inactive for all email accounts - case #419
  • Displaying email account edit window will now work properly - case #419
  • Adjusted invalid characters encoding for "Vacation Messages" - case #428
  • Corrected issue where the module could assign a dedicated IP to the hosting when this configuration was disabled - case #432
  • Fixed case where the product's module setting might have fetched available packages improperly - case #431
  • Resolved issue with the "cURL Error : Could not resolve host" error that could have occurred when downloading Softaculous applications list from the admin area - case #430
  • Fixed "Base table or view not found" error that could have occurred when upgrading the module to the newer version when the permissions for the "storage" folder were not set - case #425
  • Other minor code corrections and improvements


Released: Mar 18th, 2020
New Feature
  • WHMCS V7.10 support
  • Support for built-in WHMCS "Metric Billing"
  • Support for built-in WHMCS "Server Sync Tool"
  • "SSH Keys" - allow your clients to create their keys and use them as authorized keys to connect to the SSH on the server
  • One-click login button for the SitePad website builder - case #384
  • Moved "Let's Encrypt" button and "Certificates" tab list to make it much more visible for clients - case #379
  • Decreased account creation time when using the server's credentials of the administrator's account - case #363
  • Reseller account can now be used for the DirectAdmin server configuration - case #388
  • Renamed "Generate" certificate button to "Generate Self Signed" - case #379
  • Moved Let's Encrypt entries into the new tab
  • Let's Encrypt entries will be now displayed at once for all owned domains instead only for the currently chosen domain
Bug Fix
  • Resolved problem with username in the server configuration that could have displayed empty account details in the client area - case #398
  • Corrected invalid characters encoding for "Autoresponders" - case #391
  • Adjusted subdomains list fetching when installing SSL certificates
  • Resolved issue with setting an IP address in the "Dedicated IP" field even when it should not be set - case #409
  • Minor code refinements


Released: Dec 11th, 2019
New Feature
  • WHMCS V7.9 support
  • Support for suspending and unsuspending addon domains
  • Support for suspending and unsuspending FTP accounts
  • Support for many new advanced attributes which can be set when creating a mailing list
  • "Force SSL with https redirect" toggle when creating or editing addon domains
  • Added bunch of mass actions functionalities to most of sections in the client area
  • Added display of the "Bandwidth Usage" column to the subdomains list
  • Added display of "Local URL Path" and "Type" columns to the site redirection list
  • Editing addon domain will now allow changing its limits of disk usage, bandwidth and other attributes - case #329
  • When adding the site redirection, the "Destination" field will be now filled with "https://" by default
  • Adjusted look of the generating configurable options window
  • Divided "Subscribers" and "Digest Subscribers" of mailing list into two tabs
  • Support for WHMCS V7.6 and previous
Bug Fix
  • File Manager will now better handle files with long names
  • Corrected validation of the empty "Extension" field when adding a new Apache handler
  • Adding new subscribers to the mailing list will no longer require manual page refreshment to update the list
  • Disabled nonfunctional possibility to change the email forwarder name when editing it
  • Resolved problem with the empty "Apps / Configurable Options" field after saving the configuration of features - case #371
  • Fixed issue with displaying email accounts created along with the product creation
  • Solved problems with connection to API after changing a password of the main email account
  • Edition of FTP accounts will no longer display the "Custom Directory" field twice
  • Other minor code corrections


Released: Oct 15th, 2019
  • The passwords generated automatically prior to applications installation process will be now more complex in order to meet the requirements of Installatron and Softaculous - case #347
  • "Database Disk Usage" and "Email Disk Usage" sizes in the "Site Summary" section will be now displayed in megabytes units - case #332
Bug Fix
  • Fixed problem that could have prevented the window with SSL certificate or the private key from showing up - case #349
  • Resolved issue with icons not showing up in the "Information" section in client area after changing the password - case #348
  • Corrected typo in the SquirrelMail URL redirect that prevented "one click login" from working properly - case #346
  • Solved problem with displaying "<br />" instead of "," character when adding multiple destinations in an email forwarder - case #345
  • Special characters provided for cron jobs command will no longer be incorrectly submitted to the panel as HTML code - case #337
  • Added missing translation for "unlimited" language record in the "Site Summary" section - case #336
  • Solved issue that could have caused using Installatron instead of Softaculous (or vice versa) during account creation
  • The language selected for the application to be installed will now be set correctly


Released: Aug 13th, 2019
New Feature
  • WHMCS V7.8 support
  • Support for WHMCS V7.5 and previous
Bug Fix
  • Corrected toggles display in email accounts creation and edit forms
  • Fixed port setting for the file manager
  • List of installed applications can now be previewed in the client area even if their installation permissions are disabled
  • Fixed problem with FTP accounts that had "_" character in their names
  • Added missing translation records of certain values to the language file
  • "&" character will no longer be used in password generator
  • Resolved issues with the functionality of mailing lists
  • Restored missing migration from the previous version of the module
  • Minor code corrections related to issues with PHP 7.3


Released: May 17th, 2019
  • Added breadcrumbs to File Manager
Bug Fix
  • Resolved connection issue in the module settings if the custom server's port was used instead of the default 2222 - case #321
  • Resolved issue with File Manager records pagination in certain custom templates


Released: Apr 25th, 2019
  • Added support for additional PHP versions to choose from when editing an addon domain
Bug Fix
  • Resolved issue with using secure connection (HTTPS) by the module


Released: Apr 10th, 2019
New Feature
  • Access to the latest addon domains error and usage logs in the client area
  • View detailed information on an addon domain, e.g. status, bandwidth and disk usage, number of subdomains and supported features in the client area
  • "Local Mail Server" can now be enabled or disabled when editing an addon domain
  • Clients can now download databases backups
  • Clients can now change the password for created "Database Users"
  • Created cron jobs can now be edited with predefined common settings to choose from
  • Added mass delete actions in "Databases Users", "Subdomains" and "Cron Jobs" sections
  • Added "Domain" column to the details list of installed applications and their backups - case #227
  • Adjusted creation of an email forwarder with multiple destination addresses
  • Added advanced date picker when creating a new vacation message
  • The features list in addon module will be now sorted alphabetically
  • When creating a new addon domain, the SSL, CGI, PHP, and Local Mail Server features will be now switched on by default - case #209
  • 4096 bits key size will be now selected as default for "Certificates" generation - case #230
  • Disabled auto-filling flag of passwords fields to avoid completing them by password managers like LastPass - case #233
  • "Low Threshold (5.0)" score option will be now selected by default after enabling SpamAssassin - case #202
  • Added notification about incorrectly configured server in the "Features" section of the module addon
  • Minor UI, tooltips and language adjustments
  • PHP version visible on the list of addon domains - it will be now accessible in the addon domain edition window only
  • Selection of the second PHP version for an addon domain (no longer supported by DirectAdmin)
  • Support for WHMCS 7.4 and previous
Bug Fix
  • Fixed "undefined" text displayed in the "More Actions" menu in File Manager - case
  • Resolved issue with long domains that might have been cut in certain dropdowns
  • Changing directory when creating a new FTP account will no longer cause the password strength indicator to disappear
  • Eliminated browser's console error occurring after switching the "Install Applications" toggle in the addon module
  • Added missing sorting to columns in "Dashboard" section in the addon module
  • Fatal error will no longer occur when saving the product's settings if the module addon is not active yet or if there are no writable permissions granted to the "storage" folder
  • Password generator for "FTP Accounts" will now always contain at least one digit to meet DirectAdmin password strength requirements
  • Other minor module corrections and code tweak-ups


Released: Jan 24th, 2019
New Feature
  • WHMCS V7.7 and PHP 7.3 support
  • Support for WHMCS V7.3 and previous
  • Certain actions will no longer be unnecessarily stored in the activity logs - case #210


Released: Dec 3rd, 2018
  • Pages opened via "One Click Login" will be now opened in new tabs
Bug Fix
  • Solved problem with listing domains in the module if there was a domain added through DirectAdmin panel - case #195
  • The port number will be no longer used for redirection to the DirectAdmin panel - case #194
  • Resolved issues related to the PHP selector and its switch status - case #196
  • During installation, the database name, user and password fields will be no longer auto-completed with non-existing data for Installatron installer by default - case #197
  • Email blacklist and whitelist fields can now be left empty to set up the SpamAssassin configuration - case #198
  • Resolved issue of the module File Manager broken API handling when the reseller skin in DirectAdmin panel was changed - #193
  • Fixed issue that might have caused the 'Let's Encrypt' certificate not being generated for the actually chosen domain
  • Solved issue with downloading files with the module File Manager when using the Chrome browser - case #200
  • Adjusted module's tiles appearance in the client area on mobile devices
  • Resolved issue with debugging that might have caused certain language strings for Application installation not being displayed in a correct manner
  • Minor code corrections


Released: Oct 15th, 2018
  • Completely rewritten code
  • Rebuilt module user interface
  • Rebuilt addon module user interface
  • Added information on the amounts of the "Usage" and "Sent" limits in the Email Accounts section
  • Assorted language adjustments and other tweaks
New Feature
  • Clients can now change the first and second PHP version of the addon domains
  • Support for WHMCS V7.1 and previous
Bug Fix
  • Assorted code corrections


Released: Sep 6th, 2018
Bug Fix
  • Fixed "Vacation Messages" that might not have been properly parsed
  • Resolved issue with packages form the reseller account not being listed in the module settings if the product type was set to "Reseller Account"
  • Corrected execution of the cron commands which might not always properly parse HTML entities


Released: Apr 13th, 2018
New Feature
  • WHMCS V7.5 support
  • PHP 7.1 and 7.2 support


Released: Dec 18th, 2017
  • Added option to toggle the Let's Encrypt feature
Bug Fix
  • Corrected invalid success notification if no connection has been established on execution of module commands
  • Resolved problem with displaying only a custom package option if module settings have not yet been saved and reloaded
  • Solved issue with 'Could Not Resolve Host' error if the server's password ended with '@' character
  • Fixed error that could cause the Secure SSL, CGI Access and PHP Access options not being properly saved in the Addon Domains section


Released: Aug 17th, 2017
New Feature
  • Use particular API features during module configuration instead of packages predefined in DirectAdmin
  • 'Let's Encrypt' support for free and automated SSL/TLS certificates
  • Show the server's IP address in the client area
  • Parameters required so far by Installatron can be now omitted and handled automatically by the application installler itself
  • Rebuilt 'SSL Certificates' section
  • Display PHP version in the 'Addon Domains' section
Bug Fix
  • Minor code and language alterations


Released: Jul 31st, 2017
Bug Fix
  • Eliminated compatibility issues with Softaculous API
  • Corrected broken icons and size display of Softaculous applications
  • Solved compatibility issue with DNS Manager module that might cause blank page in the client area


Released: May 31st, 2017
New Feature
  • WHMCS V7.2 support
  • Enhanced SSL certificate support with 4096 bits key size
Bug Fix
  • Corrected CSR generation
  • Resolved incorrect CSR display in text area
  • Solved issue with 'Backups' tab loading


Released: Nov 9th, 2016
New Feature
  • PHP 7 support


Released: Oct 3rd, 2016
New Feature
  • WHMCS V7 support
Bug Fix
  • Minor tweaks


Released: Jun 10th, 2016
Bug Fix
  • Display 'Recreate' button for backups


Released: May 5th, 2016
Bug Fix
  • Redirect to 'Change Password' and 'Information' pages from the sidebar in the client area


Released: Mar 2nd, 2016
New Feature
  • 'Installed Perl Modules' page
  • Handle logged out clients
  • Allow creating vacation messages for addon domains
  • Allow setting up SPAM filters for addon domains
Bug Fix
  • Use custom connection port
  • Change email account password
  • Display email account quota
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements


Released: Feb 18th, 2016
New Feature
  • New client area template
  • New addon module view
  • New configurable options - bandwidth and disk space
  • Validation on Vacation Messages and Mailing Lists pages
Bug Fix
  • Minor fixes


Released: Jul 15th, 2015
New Feature
  • WHMCS V6 Support


Released: Apr 1st, 2015
New Feature
  • Autoresponders
  • Vacation Messages
  • SPAM Filters
  • Spamassasin Setup
  • Mailing Lists
  • File Manager
  • Apache Handlers
  • Error Pages
  • Statistics
  • Interface and stability


Released: Aug 29th, 2014
  • Improved security and license validation


Released: Nov 22nd, 2013
  • Improved Apps Installation management through new feature allowing you to add your own custom applications to the list
  • Added possibility to manage FTP endpoints per server


Released: Oct 8th, 2013
  • Added new feature: Application Installer with Softaculous and Installatron
  • Backups management for apps - Softaculous and Installatron
  • Added new feaure: SSL management
  • Added new feaure: Display of account usage
  • Added new feaure: Backups management
  • Added new feaure: PhpMyAdmin log in button
  • Improved interface in the client area
  • Improved interface of DirectAdmin Extended Functions


Released: Apr 25th, 2013
  • Email Forwarders
  • Cron Management
  • Parked Domains
  • Functionality for automatic suspension of accounts upon reaching the bandwidth limit
  • New layout
  • Improved database refreshing
  • Improved searching
  • Fixed jQuery conflicts
  • Fixed display bugs in the Internet Explorer
  • Fixed problems with password changing


Released: Mar 19th, 2013
  • Support for WHMCS V5.2


Released: Feb 6th, 2013
  • Support for Punycode
  • Addon Domains Page: Prohibit to remove last domain
  • FTP Page: Prohibit to remove default FTP account
  • FTP Page: Prohibit to change FTP password for default FTP account
  • Databases Page: Prohibit to delete user from database if only one user is assigned to DB
  • Fixed Subdomains Page: Not displaying subdomains when the page is refreshed
  • Fixed Site Redirections Page: Unable to close popup windows with "Success" text after removing redirect. 'Click to close' doesn't work
  • Fixed Site Redirections Page: Dropbox with domains filled with empty values


Released: Dec 10th, 2012
  • Stable Release
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Business Scenarios

  • Save time with automatic application installation
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    DirectAdmin Extended For WHMCS enables the easy listing of various applications per product. When placing an order, customers can select from this list, and the chosen applications will be automatically installed once the service is activated. This feature is highly practical, as it eliminates the need for manual intervention in the app installation process.

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  • 2 years ago
    Been using DA Module for some time now and my word does it work!
    looks good functionality is seemless mixing Direct Admin Extension with Lagom 2 is an absalute winner
  • 3 years ago
    Great Module, works great has all the required features. Makes it really easy for non-tech clients. They can just do everything without ever logging into DA.
  • 3 years ago
    I'm using this module for all my servers and also my clients say that it is far better than before.
  • 4 years ago
    DA Extended module is just awesome, increase our customer base because people find it easy to use, they do not have to login on DA Panel separately to access any tools.
  • 4 years ago
    This is a great module if you are moving clients from cPanel to DirectAdmin. It allows you to keep your clients in your client area without having to login to DirectAdmin and the icons look great!
  • 4 years ago
    Thanks for the greatest directadmin modules in the world, good technical support and great modules. Worth to buy!
  • 5 years ago
    Great module allow for the same if not better functionality from the default cPanel module means your current customers dont get lost if you migrate panels!
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See Also

Hosting Quota Notifications For WHMCS Icon
Hosting Quota Notifications

Hosting Quota Notifications For WHMCS

Chosen by 251 customers

Send automatic notifications to your clients upon exceeding previously defined bandwidth and/or disk usage based on the selected type of resource usage calculation.


Account Synchronization For WHMCS

Chosen by 187 customers

Automate the import/export and two-way synchronization of accounts, products and clients located at cPanel, Plesk and other external servers with your WHMCS.

Domain & Email Forwarding For WHMCS Icon
Domain & Email Forwarding

Domain & Email Forwarding For WHMCS

Chosen by 257 customers

Give your customers the freedom to create forwarders for domains, directories and emails inside your client area plus define the scope of allowed management per TLD.

DirectAdmin Licenses For WHMCS Icon
DirectAdmin Licenses

DirectAdmin Licenses For WHMCS

Chosen by 107 customers

Provision, activate and handle DirectAdmin licenses in WHMCS, equip customers with precise product details and let them alter IP addresses assigned to licenses remotely.
